Happy Birthday to ME! In honor of my 38th birthday, here are 38 totally random things you may or may not know about me.
- I got married on my 25th birthday. So Happy Anniversary to me too!
- My Starbucks order is a grande Chai Tea latte, nonfat, no water, 6 pump.
- I LOVE the smell of Downy and use way.too.much in our laundry.
- My undergrad degree is in History with Secondary Education (high school teacher) focusing in Comprehensive Social Studies and Psychology. Instead of attending my college graduation, I went to my first graduate course that morning and continued on to complete my MBA. Therefore, I was at Xavier for 7 years straight.
- The volume level on the radio in the car must be able to be divided by 2, 3 or 5 or it drives me bananas. Level 6 fine. Level 10 great. Level 11…no thanks.
- Panera Shortbread and Girl Scout Trefoils are my favorite cookies. Busken iced cookies are a close second.
- I’ve never driven through a beverage barn. Well, maybe as a kid. I kind of remember my mom driving through for a gallon of milk.
- I can always find shoes at the store…I’m a size 9 1/2 or 10. They are almost always in stock.
- I spent my early career in banking (10 years) and then the rest in construction (6 years)…all in adult education. I focused on everything from training to leadership development to competency development to succession planning.
- I balance my checkbook using my paper statement every month to the penny. See #9.
- I do not typically enjoy attending or hosting a child’s birthday party. However, I LOVE hosting adult-only functions like my annual cookie exchange.
- I have lived in 4 states – Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Alabama.
- My DVR/Netflix line-up includes The Good Wife, Nurse Jackie, How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad, Modern Family.
- I cannot stand to eat a hot dog unless it is blackened on the grill.
- My favorite wine is Oregon Pinot Noir.
- I went to a Catholic grade school and my 8th grade class only had about 15 kids in it.
- My Strengths Finder is Futuristic, Maximizer, Strategic, Communication and Empathy.
- And for you DiSC lovers, I’m an “I”. Almost 100%.
- I still make headbands and hair bows upon request. However, the only craft show you will find me at is the West Chester Christmas Walk.
- I am a control freak. I’ve tried to tone this down. Having kids has helped.
- I remember seeing “Office Space” in the movie theater and thinking it was the stupidest movie ever. I almost walked out. I was working in a bank branch and at Blockbuster and nannying. Then I worked in a corporate setting in a cubicle, watched it again, and nearly peed my pants with laughter.
- I am a pear. And I’m just fine with it.
- I prefer to vacation somewhere new each year if possible. One of my favorite vacation memories was a day spent in Belgium. You can’t go wrong with waffles, chocolate, beer, repeat!
- I am not a pet person. No dog. No cat. No fish. However, I LOVE watching the birds in our backyard and constantly refill the feeders. Yellow finches and hummingbirds are a favorite.
- In my CD player in the van you will currently find Over the Rhine, Taylor Swift, Sarah McLachlan, and the Frozen soundtrack.
- I love to read. Just about anything. The library is one of my favorite places.
- I never in my wildest dreams would ever have thought I’d type the next 5 words. I’m a swim team mom. I was never a strong swimmer.
- I loathe cleaning the house. However, I’d pick weeds, mow grass, trim bushes and garden all day long.
- I love trying new restaurants. I often ask the waiter for a suggestion. And I usually order it.
- I collect magnets as souvenirs of places traveled. Our fridge is covered and a fun reminder of places we’ve visited.
- I love keeping lists. Wunderlist is probably my favorite app.
- I have a stress fracture in my pelvis from running a half marathon in Birmingham that comes back to haunt me from time to time. So I’ll never be distance runner. However, I love to walk and really enjoy boot camp.
- I make ZERO dollars blogging. However, I’ve gotten some cool products, received tickets to awesome experiences, and made a lot of great connections. It’s a fun hobby I enjoy.
- I make my bed about twice a year.
- Since my family is connected to Skyline Chili, I’ve never even stepped foot inside a Gold Star.
- I am now a beer snob thanks to my hubby. I’m currently enjoying Helles.
- I can’t stand to go to bed with the kitchen island cluttered. As long as it is empty and clean, I can sleep at night. Even if it’s all piled up on the desk right beside it!
- Hmmmm…this last one is taking forever. Because I’m a perfectionist and none are good enough to be last. Which is probably why I don’t finish a lot of things I start. So there.

I love the smell of Downy too. It’s crazy! I love burnt hot dogs, yummy! Dang, now I want one. I think we all have a little control freak in us, I’m the worst. Especially when it comes to cooking.
Leslie recently posted…Silent Sunday
I loved this! Happy belated birthday!
I too love keeping the bird feeders full and watching birds! I also hate to clean the house and would happily do yard work all day instead. Love the DiSC…. I need to take it again. And I make my bed as much as you do!