It’s no secret that I LOVE working out at Game On Fitness. And part of what I really love about Amy’s studio is her philosophy of total wellness. Not just focusing on exercise. I’m so happy she has a nutritionist on staff. I have completed a nutrition consultation with Megan and it was just what I needed. She will meet with clients one-on-one for either a one-time visit or on-going sessions. It all depends on your personal needs. At the beginning, she asked me a lot of questions to figure out what I was looking for – what were my goals, etc. Then she gave me lots of great tips and advice geared towards me and my lifestyle. We put a plan in place for the areas I asked her about for both me and my family. My biggest questions were concerning vitamins, snacks, sugar and the latest food fads. We chatted a bunch and she gave me some awesome handouts to refer to after the session.
Now that it is National Nutrition Month, Amy and Megan have teamed up for a great set of Nutrition Classes on Saturday mornings. See her flyer above. I am very excited to attend the Portion Distortion seminar on Saturday. When I did the Weight Watchers program years ago, that definitely helped with portion control. However, I’m still curious to see what Megan has to say and look forward to her great take-aways. Sign up and join me!
From the Game On website: Megan Horsley is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian in the state of Ohio who currently practices in pediatric nutrition. She holds certification in Certified Nutrition Support Clinician(CNSC) and Certification as a Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition(CSP). She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Cincinnati in 2006 and completed her dietetic internship with the University of Northern Colorado in 2007. Prior to her current position in pediatric nutrition, she worked as a personal fitness trainer and has always had a love for sports nutrition. She looks forward to the opportunity to work with GameOn Fitness practicing both pediatric and adult weight management, sports nutritional counseling and community nutrition programs that raise awareness about nutrition and health.
What’s the toughest part about portion control for you?
What do you do in order to eat healthier?
{In full disclosure, I’m getting NOTHING from Game On for posting this. I just love the Nutrition Program idea and had to share!}

Thanks for sharing! We are so excited for National Nutrition Month:)
Thanks Tricia!! You rock!! You not only will gain valuable knowledge about portion control and practice it! You will have AMAZING takeaways!!!!