I just recently discovered the wonderfulness of Book Bums. If you are local and have not yet checked it out…what are you waiting for? They have so much to offer, but that post is for another day. Today I am super excited to report that they are adding an afternoon story time on Thursdays.
Henry (seen above stuffing his face full of skeleton bone Cheetos) and I have attended two story times at Book Bums. Although I am highly impressed and now understand why people pay $5/child to attend…I selfishly didn’t prefer the timing. They already offer story time on Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00 AM. Usually Henry is at preschool and I am at Game On. And Henry is much easier to entertain in the mornings…but the afternoons? Sometimes our “witching hour” starts immediately after lunch.
So when a conversation occurred at Book Bums after story time last week, well, sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time. They needed 2-3 more people interested to get an afternoon session started. And I know a whole neighborhood full of moms with kids at home that don’t nap. We showed interest and this week it’s happening!
If you are interested in it as well…just show up! The new time added to the schedule is Thursday afternoon at 1:00 PM. The story time is $5/child and includes stories (obviously), alphabet lessons, a craft and a snack. Miss Kathy does an excellent job quickly learning the kids’ names and including each one in the activities. And there is no doubt she was a fabulous teacher for many years. You can tell that right away when you observe her interaction with the children.
Henry and I will be there tomorrow…be sure to say HELLO!
* Book Bums is on Cincinnati-Dayton Road in Olde West Chester. *
Do you have a favorite Story Time location?