A year ago Andy and I had to got the chance to go to the local Heart Ball due to his company’s involvement with the American Heart Association. And then we got the chance to escape our children for the weekend attend the Heart Ball in Minneapolis last fall. Well, it’s that time again. Our local Heart Ball is this Saturday evening. But…I’m looking forward to it this time.
I’m a bit more prepared. No thanks to myself though. Because did you read last year’s post? The one where I compared going to the ball once you are a mom of three to going to a company formal right out of college? Well, I’m still a mom of three. And I still have a lot almost all of the same issues as last year.
However, I did get my hair cut and colored this week. And my eyebrows waxed. And I started shaving my legs. Yes, started. Low motivation to shave all winter with below zero temperatures and a husband who traveled most of December and January. Anyone agree?!?!
I’m putting on a red dress again. And yes, it is even more red than last year. I still didn’t know what color nail polish to use. However, this year I thought about it a week in advance instead of 10 minutes in advance. So I sent a text to my neighbor about nail polish. And within 10 seconds I got a very specific name of a polish returned to me. Ok, that was easy. Almost too easy.
And then I assumed I broke all the rules in Minneapolis with the mauve lipstick. I think two of my friends almost threw up when they found out about that fact (admit it ladies!). So again, I looked for help. I would rather go to the dentist than go try to find the right lipstick to match this dress. Luckily, the lipstick fairy came to the rescue. The text I received this morning said: “Going to the mall…any lipstick brand preference at Sephora?” These things immediately went through my mind all at once:
- How sweet of her to think I know what Sephora is – I do and have even walked by it.
- Does she really think I’ve been in there let alone the fact that I would know what brands are sold there? bwahahahahahaha!!!!
- Does she actually know I’ve never been there but she’s trying to make me feel like a part of the decision-making?
- Does she really know me?!?!?!?!
Anyway, we won’t tell Andy exactly how many dollars later, but many, many dollars later and I have the PERFECT lipstick and liner and gloss. My first question upon receiving it from her was, “For that money, can I wear this shit again soon? And with what outfit?!?!?” Happy to report, apparently I can.
I have two more days until the ball and feel a little more relaxed about it. Many thanks to my personal stylist. ModHousewife herself will be writing the follow-up post about my look on her blog. (Because Trends and Fashion are the first words you see on her website not mine and she’s responsible for my look, not me!)
Be sure to watch on Instagram and my Facebook page this Saturday for a final photo!
UPDATE! Click HERE to see the post from ModHousewife!
When was the last time you attended a formal?
Are you a fashionista?
Or a fashion flunkie like me!?!