Last year when I became SUPER crazy about the Hamilton Soundtrack, a friend kept saying “Well, it’s on Amazon.” And I kept thinking “DUH! What CD can you NOT buy on Amazon?” Finally it came up in conversation again and due to how the conversation was going discussing Apps, I knew I was missing something. And there it was, the words that either she didn’t say previously or the ones I missed = Amazon. Prime. Music.
If you are Amazon Prime (and if not, this alone is reason to be), and you are NOT currently using Amazon Prime Music…go download it. Now. The basic level is included in your Amazon Prime Membership and you have access to over 2 million songs ad-free. AND you can take music with you for offline listening.
Therefore, the first thing you need to do when you download the app is to choose your settings. You can decide if you want to stream or download while on Wi-Fi only. And you don’t have to download anything at all. However, if you want music when you are out and about and choose not to stream without Wi-Fi, be sure to download some playlists while you are on Wi-Fi.
Then, just search for music you want in the app. Hamilton is available! Along with so many other great soundtracks and artists. Due to our recent Broadway obsession, I’ve downloaded quite a few including Wicked and Something Rotten. I also needed a playlist for Girls on the Run and found 30 recommended songs all on Amazon Prime Music. Again, this is FREE with your Amazon Prime Membership. There are Amazon Music Unlimited plans you can pay extra for which are described on the website, but I haven’t found that necessary yet due to my needs.
There are so many other benefits that come Amazon Prime as well. My suggestion? Go to Amazon and just click on the Prime button or drop-down. Be sure to take advantage of all the perks you are already paying for annually. Now I need to go download my monthly Kindle First FREE book.
{My blog posts no longer contain external links. Websites update too frequently turning my links into errors. Since you found me, I’m sure you can also find Google and search quickly for anything I reference. This will make sure you are not frustrated by dead links and can get to current information quickly. This post is also not connected to any company or affiliation program unless stated. Basically, I received nothing for posting…I just had to share! Thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for visiting!}