It had been a long time. Really too long. We used to read with the kids every.single.night. But then we basically did our jobs and BAM! they were readers. All three of them. So they got to read to themselves or to each other each night before bed. The routine was the same, the reader was different. We were no longer needed. And when you have three kids and a husband that often travels for work…the new process was so much easier.
But then Andy read “The Princess Bride” to all three of them over many, many nights and afterwards they enjoyed a movie night to compare the pages to the screen. Charlotte had a second grade class project that followed next which asked the entire family to read “The One and Only Ivan” together. Though it was quite the commitment, we enjoyed it. And finally Stella had the chance to meet Chris Colfer over the summer. I was with her and her love for his series was fantastic. She was truly starstruck. But what sticks out is her turning to me and saying, “Mom, I can’t believe you haven’t even read one of them. They are SO good.”
So as summer came to an end, we started a new reading project at home. Reading aloud one book one-on-one with each kid. Stella and I picked “Wonder” because “everyone is reading it and it’s going to be a MOVIE!” Charlotte and I chose Book 1 of “The Land of Stories” because “Stella loves them so much and it’s going to be a MOVIE!” Henry? Henry and Andy found an old baseball chapter book about Toilet Paper Tigers. I didn’t ask anymore than that. That’s all I got. And probably all I need to know.
It’s not an easy task sneaking pages in here and there whenever we can. Charlotte and I read during Stella’s piano practice, Stella and I read waiting for Henry at the bus stop, Charlotte reads to me while I prepare dinner, Stella and I read at soccer for the other two. Andy and Henry get the bedtime reading snuggles. And it’s been awesome. The girls and I have had some great side conversations that wouldn’t occur without these books. We’ve already decided we’ll take a break when these books are completed, but don’t want to wait as long before we do it again.
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