Henry’s birth seems so long ago. He was the only kid that didn’t arrive too early. I prayed and prayed for my water to break as I hit full-term. And then…one morning I heard water gushing..but it was in the basement. Our blue max piping had exploded and the basement was going to flood. Fantastic. We shut off the water main and Henry Excavating (no joke) came and fixed everything. And I was still pregnant. Be careful what you pray for.
Then it was a Wednesday, 9/1. Right before Labor Day weekend. I was a nervous wreck because I had a doctor follow-up that Thursday. And I just knew they were going to discuss inducing me. Because my babies come fast and it was going to be a holiday weekend. And I FEARED inducement more than anything. I’m the crazy mom that purposely already had TWO natural childbirths. AND I wanted a third. I did not want to even discuss being induced. But I was pushing 40 weeks. I got ready for bed and suddenly just kind of “felt funny”. At those words, Andy said “LET’S GO!” knowing that the babies come quick. He drove me down to “pill hill” and was relieved that “his job was complete” since we actually made it to a delivering hospital this time. I saw him sigh and look content as my contractions got worse and worse in the parking lot.
Because…we made it. We got admitted to the hospital very (VERY) quickly and met our doula on the delivery floor. As we walked the halls and awaited the arrival of baby #3, she realized…”If you last a few more minutes…do you know what tomorrow is?” I guessed…”Um…September the second?” Yes, but nope. “A Thursday?” I was stumped. She finally exclaimed “90210!!!!!!!!” He arrived after midnight and will forever be my Beverly Hills baby. Which really helps in remembering the date! It only took me three months or so to call Henry “he, him” instead of “she, her”. A boy was a total surprise. I was so sure he’d be a 3rd girl. And he has rocked my world ever since. Boy stuff is definitely different and often strange.
His two favorite loves? The color orange and baseball. So for his 5th birthday, he got a new orange baseball shirt and ironically the Florence Freedom had a baseball game at 11:00 am. When Andy purchased his ticket the man asked his age. When he learned Henry was 5 TODAY, he gave him the ball from the first pitch (we were a few minutes late). And then Henry got a foul ball in the 8th inning! A successful birthday outing with mom and dad.
Happy Birthday Henry!