I promise to return with the rest of my closet facelift series. However, May 1 begins National Foster Care month. Please see the letters above and below about the wonderful organization Warm Welcomes.
Hello friends and family,
We are so excited to see the impact that Warm Welcomes Foster Care Outreach has been making in the lives of local foster kids and families. We want to take a moment to thank each of you who has supported us during our time as foster parents, celebrated our Forever Family, and have gotten behind us to help get Warm Welcomes started. Your prayers and support is appreciated more than you know. During our time as foster parents, our eyes were forever opened and our hearts broken for the ongoing, unique, and often unmet needs of children in the foster care system. This is what led us, as a family, to start Warm Welcomes in 2013.
Along with our community, in this first year Warm Welcomes has put over 125 Welcome Bags, filled with toiletries, comfort items, puzzles, books, and crafts, into the hands of children who are being placed in a foster home. We have hosted, along with One Simple Wish, our first Welcome Party at the YMCA for an evening of swimming, basketball, toys, and food for foster families. We have begun bringing service projects to foster parent meetings so that the children get to experience helping others in a hands on way. Warm Welcomes was also honored with the 2014 recipient of the Sonia Hall TEAM Achievement Award for being “outstanding advocates for children and families in Butler County.” We will also be partnering with students at the University of Dayton in the Fall, to further tackle the barriers that impact the older children in the system.
May is National Foster Care Month. It is a time to reflect on the nearly 400,000 kids in the U.S. foster care system, and 100,000 of them are still waiting for a forever family. This statistic is daunting and not to be ignored. Warm Welcomes Foster Care Outreach has exciting plans for future events and tangible ways to positively impact the foster care community, but the truth is that we can not do it without the support of our friends, family, and community. Through the month of May, our family and the Warm Welcomes FCO organization is seeking your financial donations during the 2014 Welcome Me Fundraising Campaign, to help us achieve our goals in the community throughout this year. Please, take a moment to review our letter that we have attached (shown above) and consider making a donation. No amount is too small, as our goal is $4000. Checks can be made out to Warm Welcomes FCO and sent to P.O.Box 883 Mason, OH 45040. Our website also has a link to make donations via PayPal. You can also find follow us on Facebook to see upcoming events. Please consider coming alongside us to encourage, empower, and to enrich the lives of youth in foster care. If you are already a supporter or can not donate at this time, please consider sharing this letter with a friend or colleague who might be interested. Thank you so much for your help, as we can not do it without you.
Until each one is home,

Thank you Tricia for being a supporter, and dearest of friends. We hope that others will share our passion to positively impact the foster care community.