My kids have been talking about Leprechaun Traps for the past week. I’m not sure where they even got the idea, but they have been thinking intently about how to build them, where to put them, what they’ll do with the Leprechaun, etc. So when the weather looked a bit YUCK today (again), I thought it was the perfect time to put their thoughts and plans into action.
What supplies do you need to build a Leprechaun Trap?
I definitely didn’t want to purchase any new supplies for this project. (And I wasn’t leaving the house.) But when you look on Pinterest for ideas, they are extremely elaborate. Therefore…Step One: Don’t look on Pinterest for ideas. Supplies can be as simple as an empty box (tissue boxes work really well since there is already a hole), some paper and decorating items like crayons, markers, stickers, etc.
We had two empty tissue boxes and another white box to use for the three of them. Because, of course, they each wanted their own trap. I still had some flip chart paper so I used that to cover the tissue boxes, but any paper will do.
You have the Leprechaun Trap boxes ready, now what?
Now you just turn the kids loose to decorate as they wish. Stella chose to use markers and created one scene with a rainbow and another scene with a girl convincing the Leprechaun to climb up to the top of the box.
Henry just scribbled away with some crayons and markers. Then he decided to add a bit of flair with some decorative tape at the end.
Charlotte’s box was already white, but was also a bit glossy so her crayons weren’t showing up very dark. I convinced her to add a cut and paste rainbow made out of construction paper to the side of hers. I did draw some rainbow lines on the box for a bit of guidance per her request. Then she had “the best idea ever” to add cookies to the top of her box to get the Leprechaun near the hole.
Finally, create the “trap” and set the scene!
Once the kids were finished, I helped add the tissue paper to disguise the actual hole for the trap on top of each box. Then the kids decided to set the scene to allure the Leprechaun to the boxes. They created a fairy garden full of “flowers” out of our Superstructs sets and made ladders for the higher boxes. Unfortunately they do not understand why this cannot stay in place on my kitchen floor for the next two weeks.
We’ve never done this craft before and it was a lot of fun. It kept the kids busy most of the morning. And yes, now I will cave and figure out something for the Leprechaun to leave behind on St. Patrick’s Day. There are lots of ideas on Pinterest ranging from crazy-complicated to cute letters and treats. But no, this is not guaranteed to be an annual event!
Have you ever set a Leprechaun Trap?
Has a Leprechaun ever left your kids something behind on St. Patrick’s Day? WHAT?!?!