Am I the only mom that buys last year’s Valentine Cards on deep clearance and keeps them for the next year? So, yes, I’m basically depriving my kids of giving out any hot new characters that are trending. I’m guessing Frozen-themed will be pretty popular this Valentine’s Day. Wait, am I the only mom with an actual Valentine’s Day storage box in the basement to hold these things? I just can’t pass up $0.60 a box or less!
Since we had our SEVENTH Snow Day today, I was running out of things to do on these days stuck inside. I still have play-doh as an ultimate back-up plan, but have yet to pull it out. And then I remembered the Valentine’s Cards. So I ran down to the basement and grabbed a box for each kid. Spider Man for Henry, Lalaloopsy for Charlotte, and some sort of Secret Decoder ones for Stella. Signing their names, inserting either notepads, tattoos, or decoder hearts into each one, and sealing them up kept the kids busy for about an hour! And now we are totally ready for the school Valentine’s parties. Each kid put theirs in a Ziploc bag so they are ready-to-go when the time comes.
How do you pick Valentine Cards?
Do your kids choose at the store?
You choose for them and bring them home?
Last year’s 75% off clearance?