If you were a Take 10 reader last year, you might remember that we celebrate St. Nick tonight. Basically, I make sure my kids have their lists to Santa ready by December 5th every year. St. Nick picks up the lists overnight, leaves some treats in the stockings of good boys and girls, and delivers the wish list to Santa with a report on behavior. He’s kind of our Elf on the Shelf…but I only have to mess with it one night!
My kids are still at an easy stage. They want toys. And they will get toys. I dread the year they only ask for clothes and electronics, but I feel it will be here before I know it.
The girls want “normal” things. Henry? Bless his heart. Let me translate the above: “I want a gun. A real one. I want a bow and arrow. A real one. I want a motorcycle. A real one. I promise to wear a helmet.” He screamed “I WANT A GUN!!” all through Target the other day. That wasn’t embarrassing…at all. I showed him a picture of a real gun afterwards and he had NO IDEA what it was. He apparently wants a nerf-blaster. Thank goodness!
What items are on the wish list(s) in your house this year?
And are you finished shopping?

My 3 year old wants the Barbie Dreamhouse SO badly…but it’s $150! And I think she’s way too young to really get any ‘fun’ out of it. She just loves princesses and anything that looks like princesses or ‘girly’ stuff. I DID find the Barbie Vacation Home which was only $40 at Kohl’s on Black Friday! SCORE! She’ll never know the difference. 🙂