Thoughts and/or Observations and/or Lessons Learned From Taking a Segway Tour:
- Use your online deal way before it expires. LOTS of people book tours the last two weeks of a pre-purchased coupon expiring (duh). Otherwise, your awesome “hubby and me” weekend afternoon date plan…will turn into you and your neighbor scrambling to find after-school coverage so you can skip out on a weekday afternoon to use the voucher the very day it expires.
- Neighbors can make awesome play-dates. My dear friend was a great fill-in for my date.
- Bring your own bike helmet if you have one.
- Nothing makes you stick out more downtown than that nice bright safety vest and the Segway itself. Be prepared to be photographed and videoed.
- Dress warm in cold weather. Especially when you are going to be zipping along the riverfront. Gloves are a must!
- It takes a few minutes to get used to being on the Segway, but then once you figure it out, it’s FUN!
- Don’t pass out on a Segway. Seriously, someone got very hurt (ambulance called) on our tour yesterday. She passed out, crossed into the road, and crashed into a street sign. Not good.
- Segway Tours can be a great team building event unless the previous bullet point occurs. Her work team had to cut it short half way through due to her accident.
- The Segway of Cincinnati team did a great job handling the accident, helping that group and then continuing on with the three of us who were not with their party.
- The Riverfront Tour was both fun and knowledgeable.
- I did not realize how far past the Montgomery Inn Boathouse the park continues. Friendship Park? Anyone realize this was there?
- Random Acts of Kindness do exist. Although totally unnecessary, we discovered when we returned to the retail location that the head of the team building group felt bad that our tour got disrupted by the accident and that we had to wait a few minutes before continuing. So he purchased another voucher for each of the three of us. So very nice of him, but we were just glad that it seemed the woman was going to be ok.
- When you finally get off of the Segway at the end of the 2-hr tour and start to walk back to your car…it will feel like the LONGEST trip ever. After zipping along the sidewalks my legs felt like dead weight moving nowhere fast.
Have you ever been on a Segway Tour?
What did you think about it?