Do you ever have any leftover hot dog buns?
Somehow I always end up with leftover hot dog buns. Always. Sometimes I would freeze them and use them later. But usually, they’d collect mold and get thrown own in the trash.
Until one day. One *MAGICAL* day when we were completely out of bread and the kids were BEGGING for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Me: But, we have NO bread.
Kids: What about those buns?
Me: Hot dog buns?
Kids: Yes. Can’t we use those?
Me: For PB&J?? For PB&J!!!!
And so now it’s a complete hit at our house to put PB&J on leftover buns. We even pack them for picnics at the pool. And I thought maybe I was the only one NOT to think of this. But then, other moms at the pool couldn’t believe it either.
Here we’ve all been throwing away lots and lots of “bread”, because we couldn’t think outside the bun. HA!
{Steamy photo of Stella, but I promised her that it would end up in this post! Too sunny when I took it to even realize.}
And just today we had two hot dog buns leftover AGAIN. However, there was a new request. Salami and cheese on that bun. And it was another hit!
Love me some hot dog buns! My kids’ new favorite is peanut butter spread on the bun, a peeled banana in the bun (just like a hot dog) and a little honey drizzled on top. YUM!!!
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