In need of Christmas presents for a college sports fan? If you are local, head to the Crable Sportswear Factory Outlet. Definitely worth a trip. Lots of sweatshirts, pullover jackets, zip-front jackets and vests, sweaters, polos, ties, etc. For men and ladies. I did not see any youth items while I was there. Prices were great – you can see some below.
And the selection? Great! Lots of local colleges, of course. Xavier, UC, Ohio State, Miami, IU, Louisville, Ohio University, etc. Not much Purdue while I was there. And then there were tons of other out-of-state selections as well…Florida, Texas, Alabama, etc.
I grabbed a couple of $19.99 XU polos as gifts and a new XU sweatshirt $10 and XU sweater $15 for myself!

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