Awhile ago I posted some of my favorite apps for toddlers. Click HERE if you missed it. I subscribed to the AppSmitten weekly email and have found lots of fun things (a lot of them FREE) recommended on there.
Here are a few more Apps that my kids are enjoying lately on the iPad. All game pictures are from the App Store.
Math Girl Number Garden ($0.99) – The girls love playing this. You count things and do other math things in order to earn stars which then help create your garden.
Unblock Me (FREE) – We just got this one and Stella needs some help, but still likes it.
Icebox Doodle ($0.99) – Charlotte plays this for a complete 30 minutes while Stella is at swim lessons each week. Best 99 cents spent. Ever. And what is it? Decorating ice cream and then you “eat it”. Her favorite is to make the frozen banana on a stick. They apparently also have Cake Doodle, Donut Doodle, Cookie Doodle, etc. Hmmmm….
Little Things ($2.99) – This was a splurge for Stella. She LOVES to find hidden objects. So well worth it for her.
Frogs and Fireflies ($1.99) – AppSmitten just suckered me into this one. We haven’t played it much, but seems fun. It’s a game about colors and the basics about color mixing.

I need the color one for Ellie. She is saying her abc’s but sadly (poor 2nd child), she doesn’t know her colors!
great apps! I’ll check some out. and confession: I like unblock me 🙂