Above is a photo of Stella before her first piano recital a few weeks ago. She was extremely nervous, but nailed it.
So tonight on the way into the neighborhood I noticed a house was getting a new driveway and I really noticed a man without a shirt smoking a cigarette in the back of a work pick-up truck in front of that house. I wondered what would come next…but never imagined this:
Stella: That man sure was showing his business.
Me: What?
Stella: He was showing us his business.
Me: What do you mean?
Stella: His boobies.
Me: Oh. Well, a man’s boobies aren’t actually a private area. Not like women.
Stella (shocked): WHAT?!?
Me: Seriously. You know this. Daddy can go outside without a shirt.
Stella: Well I’m going to tell him not too.
Me: Ok, but it’s alright if he does. He doesn’t wear a shirt to swim lessons. It’s just different.
Stella: I don’t get it. And what about Henry?
Me: What about him?
Stella: He doesn’t just let his penis hang out all over.
Me: No, he doesn’t. That is a private area.
Stella: Mom, men just don’t make sense.

bahaha she nailed that one!!
Love it! So cute!!!
How smart of Stella to bring Henry into the mix when she was discussing the penis issue. Obviously the only male package she’s seen!
Great conversation! So true.
haha! So funny and so true! She is a very smart cookie! Most women (girls) take a long time to figure that out!
That’s awesome! I imagine what you must have thought when she first said “his business!” Found you at finding the funny.
Perfect, your daughter is a genius, she has men already figured out!
That is all sorts of awesome! So cute. I do a Saturday laugh hop every weekend. Come link up:)
So cute!
Hilarious! You were one of the most-clicked at #findingthefunny. We’re featuring you tomorrow, and pinning this post! Thanks for linking up!
Sounds like she summed it up just about perfectly! Very cute 🙂
Too cute!
This made me laugh out loud! Loved that she said “showing us his business” about his man boobs. That’s hilarious. Thanks for linking this up to #findingthefunny last week!