So we’ve been in a dinner funk lately. Same old, same old. So same old, that I keep forgetting to update my weekly menu on the blog. Because it’s basically pretty repetitive.
But a friend of mine keeps telling me to go to Trader Joe’s. She even left me a (requested) voicemail with a grocery list of what to buy. And then I keep reading blogs that mention food from Trader Joe’s. But Trader Joe’s is in no way convenient for me to get to. However, Andy and I made a point to stop there on our last date night (exciting times we have) and I stocked up on a few things. So thanks specifically to this list posted from Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point and my friend’s recommendations, we have a few new things to try at home.
And I’ve been on an eggplant kick lately. We’ve been out to a couple of Italian restaurants this past month and I keep ordering eggplant parm because I’d never make it at home. Until now. Until Trader Joe’s.
In the frozen section I was told to buy a box of the Trader Joe’s Eggplant Cutlets. And we have pasta at least once a week – almost every Tuesday since it’s a designated bath night. Messy meal for the kids…and then straight to the tub. The friend said to bake the eggplant. Note, the friend makes eggplant parm sandwiches on french bread – something I’ll definitely try in the future.
Anyone try a new “keeper” recipe lately??

So I used to be able to walk to Trader Joe’s, and it was a delightful thing to be able to do. Now that we’ve moved, the closest Trader Joe’s is 20 minutes away. Not a big deal, I know, but UNTIL TODAY, I had not been there since last summer. Felt good to be back. So many of their frozen foods are fantastic. As I was there today I was thinking about how we really need to get a chest freezer so I can have more quality frozen stuff on hand for when I need it.
When you made the eggplant parm did you layer with the frozen cutlets and cook or did you defrost them then cook?
I did not defrost the eggplant before cooking. I just popped them in the oven frozen.
Copying off of Olive Garden, are we? My favorite: Eggplant Parmesean! So the difference in Trader Joe’s cutlets as opposed to slicing an eggplant/breading it would be time and convience (and the sticky mess). Correct? Given that it is frozen, can you tell if the eggplant had been pre-cooked? Does it have breading on it? I might have to give it a try….but where is Trader Joe’s? I’m in Burlington and I babysit for three curtain climbers belonging to a friend of yours in Burlington. tee hee! 🙂
I have not been to Olive Garden in YEARS. But I am loving Eggplant Parm. I cannot tell from the box if it’s been pre-cooked or not. It is breaded. And delicious! Trader Joe’s is in Kenwood just south of the mall on Montgomery Road near Honeybaked Ham. Not really convenient!
Our friends brought a large casserole (in a convenient foil baking pan with plastic cover) when they came for a weekend visit. It was the layered breaded eggplant (2 layers), mozzarella cheese (4 cups shredded) and I think 1-1/2 jars spaghetti sauce. We baked it covered with foil – plastic cover off of course — at 350 for about an hour. At the end the cover was taken off and the heat was turned to 375 for another 10 minutes until the cheese was slightly brown and the pasta hot.