This is a great infographic about Pinterest from Mashable. Click HERE to see it larger. Pinterest is definitely a quick success and I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard of it or have an account yourself. But with success comes many other things…critics, confusion, etc. Some are still not sure what exactly it is, how to use it, etc. Others think it’s a complete waste of time.
While some have written about why they no longer have an account – Pin This by Scary Mommy – I still enjoy it tremendously. It has enabled me to cook and bake more than ever before. I’ve done some awesome crafts with my kids that I might never have come across. So I am enjoying the postive side of it day after day. (I do still wish you could mark a board “private” to keep those party favors a secret!)
Here are a few good links to others in the bloggyland (ladies I enjoy reading) that have recently written about Pinterest. And if you are having trouble pinning on your iPad, scroll to the end…I’ve included the step-by-step instructions that a co-worker shared with me that she found on Pinterest.
Little Green Bow wrote a great post on How to Use Pinterest. In it, like me, she links to other great resources. I just found her HERE on Pinterest.
Mommyhuh wrote about The Problem With Pinterest. And she’s on Pinterest HERE. Follow her…her pins can make you snort your drink out your nose they are so funny.
Marian Schembari wrote Stop Ruining Pinterest For Everyone Who Loves It. She highlights some of the better examples of companies on Pinterest and her thoughts on Pinterest and marketing. She’s HERE on Pinterest.
They are Sucking the FUN Out of It made me laugh out loud about the zebra cakes. My Name is Momma puts her own spin on what is happening to Pinterest already with all the (I’ll call them) boring pins. She’s HERE on Pinterest.
And Sellabit Mum has made another separate business out of it. Her post Only Pinterest Can Justify My Time on the Internet describes it. You can find her HERE on Pinterest and read even more about Pin Savvy Social HERE.
And seriously, are people shocked about Pinterest somehow making money? Why would people be working there otherwise? I know it’s fun and all to pin, pin, pin…but ya gotta make a living somehow!
For inspiration to Stop Pinning and Start Doing! be sure to follow the RWOP (Real Women of Pinterest) led by MEP or Pintervention with Stephanie. Those are the two reasons I complete Pinterest projects…they inspire me to get. it. done. If you know of other Pinterest parties…let me know!
And here are the instructions for the iPad (from Pinterest):
I know for me it still has some quirks on the iPad. I actually quit using the iPad app (which I think you actually download the iPhone app but it works for iPad, right?) and just logged into Pinterest on Safari. However, when doing that…the Pin It bookmark wouldn’t work right if I also had the app loaded. I think it got confused because I was logged in both places. So keep that in mind. If you are going to use Safari, delete the Pinterest app after following the above instructions (Pin It bookmark will still be there). Otherwise, if you are going to use the app, don’t log in on Safari…make sense?

Thanks for the mention and for all your participation in RWOP! I’m going to go back and read all of those Pinterest pieces now. Thanks for all the links.
I love RWOP!!
Here’s another one for you: All the bizarro stuff people pin on Pinterest. Pretty funny.
That website is hilarious! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the mention and for pulling all of this great information together! Looking forward to following the others mentioned here and checking out those parties. I too continue to love Pinterest. I think it’s a great way to find inspiration and share photos of things you love.
Thanks Deanna!
: ) Thanks for the mention!
I haven’t been to the store yet but I do still plan on getting my zebra cakes!! lol
Still laughing about those zebra cakes.
Great post. I’m going to pin it:-) Seriously, how did we get by without pinterest?
Thanks for visiting…catching up on you! Enjoying your posts.
I seriously feel famous now haha! I am obsessed with pinterest… if there was a job that involved pinning and consuming mass quantities of wine? This momma would be all in 🙂
I hear ya!
Yay! Thanks for the info and tips!
Great info! I’m sometimes confounded by Pinterest, but I have found it incredibly helpful when looking for images for blog posts and when searching for writing inspiration.