Tis the season for holiday films. And, just like my thoughts on seasonal books, I like to watch my movies in season as well. I’m linking up my Top 10 Favorite Holiday Movies (in no particular order) on Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday. And no, I’m not including links. If you need more info on one of the following movies, where have you been??? Go to imdb.com if necessary.
- Christmas Vacation
- Miracle on 34th Street – the old version
- It’s a Wonderful Life
- Home Alone
- Polar Express
- Die Hard
- White Christmas
- The Santa Clause – just the first one
- Grinch, Charlie Brown & Frosty – not really movies, but favorite cartoons
- Love Actually – one of my all-time favorite movies and I’ll actually watch it year-round
I know, I know. There are a few that didn’t make my list. I’m going to risk losing readers and just put it out there that I do not particularly like the Muppets nor the movie Elf. I don’t think anything bad about the Muppets, just not my thing. And didn’t laugh once at Elf. Wanted the 2 hours back of my life.
Did you quit reading? Are you still here? Really? Well, here’s another blow. The biggest one I’m sure. I’ve never seen A Christmas Story. Ever. I’ve tried, but don’t get the hype. Never interested me past the first few minutes. Bores me to tears.

I’m not a huge Elf fan either. The Christmas Story-take it or leave it. I’ve seen a lot mention “The Holiday”, so perhaps I should watch it.
Watching your number 7 right now! And we watched the Grinch earlier.
It covers all the holidays, but I love Holiday Inn at Christmas time.
I feel the need for an intervention!! “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”!
But really, as long as Christmas Vacation is on your list, we can still be friends 😉
White Christmas was our family holiday movie growing up — I still love it. I’m a big fan of Love Actually and also consider Bridget Jones Diary a holiday movie.