It’s not every day you go to the eye doctor to see Santa. But our eye doctor is always doing something a little bit different. I have to say that the Cincinnati EyeCare Team is fantastic. Andy started going there soon after we moved back to Cincinnati. They are near us in West Chester. (But apparently also have an office in Clifton.)
Soon after we had Stella Dr. Gilbert made sure to inform us about the Ohio InfantSEE program. Through this program your infant gets a free eye exam within the first year of life (best between 9-12 months I believe). So all three of our kids became patients quite early. And of course we go there more often with Stella due to her glasses.
When you have a 2 year old with glasses, you go often. Glasses get twisted, broken, etc. And since we’ve been there so often these past two years, they know us well. Stella’s buddy is the guy that takes care of her glasses each time we go. She makes cards for him, brings him treats, etc. And he spoils. her. rotten.
I like that they are very informative and also very involved in the community. They always seem to have a booth at the local festivals and events. Giving away tattoos and fun prizes to the kids while passing out great eye care information to the adults and parents.
This past Saturday they had a breakfast with Santa…donuts, crafts, photos, and eyeglass adjustment while we were there. The kids had a great time and it was such a nice low-key, low traffic event. Definitely our preference. It was “free” with the donation of non-perishable goods to a local organization.
So if you are looking for an eye doctor, check them out. They even have a FB page!

Question – how did you know Stella needed glasses? Did you notice something at home or did you find out at a doctor’s appointment for a routine check up?
Just curious because my pediatrician told me that unless I see “certain” symptoms there wasn’t a need to take him for another year or two. I have been wanting to take him but wasn’t sure if it was necessary for him. I know Jennie did the free infant check and loved it!