I am a sucker. For a deal. That I usually find at Target.
I remember back in the day when I didn’t particularly care for Target. But now? SUCKER. It doesn’t help that it’s the most convenient place for errands during my lunch hour. SUCKER. I have tried to limit my exposure lately because I am constantly seeing something that would be so cute to add to so-and-so’s gift, etc. Because I’m such a SUCKER for a good deal. I may be frugal, but I still fall victim to buying something on a really good deal in order to have it in stock later (in the gift closet) when the gift need actually arises. Yep, that’s me.
So today I had to run to Target for a birthday gift. Scored some great Cars items on sale. (And little boy toys? Not nearly as fun as little girl purchases.) Then I noticed that the Disney stuff was Buy One Get One 50% off. And the dolls were on SALE! It was a STEAL. Two of the above for $13.50. Regularly $10.50 a piece. So yes, I grabbed two. I needed something for the toy donation box at work. DONE.
But I must confess it took every bit of my energy/focus/etc. to walk away without another 2 of them for my girls. Do we need them? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Were they a sweet homemade item? NO WAY. But they were on sale and BOGO 50%. And that’s all my brain gets stuck on. My shopping habits are not always practical. My hubby will be proud that I walked away.

Well done, fellow frugal bargain shopper! YES! I completely know what you mean about your brain getting stuck on the deal part.
you do realize that it is really just 25% off each item right?
I was in old navy recently though and was a SUCKER for their buy one get the second for 75% off. I thought – whoah – now that’s a deal. Bought a bunch of stuff and then got out to my car and thought – they got me! when I realized it was really just 35% off but they only showed that 75 number and it seemed sooooo much better. Good marketing right? Still a good deal either way – but psychologically does make you buy more!!
I had the same problem at TJ Maxx today. I was totally planning on spending $80(!!!!) on a garbage truck for Miles. Crazy, I know – but it was going to be his big gift. Anyways – found the exact same thing at TJ Maxx for only $24!!! I was jumping up and down. And I literally had to force myself not to buy three of them. What would I have even done with two extra garbage trucks? I do not know. But I really wanted them. Cheers to us for walking away! 🙂