Last year we got a new TV for our bedroom. I know, #1 sin of a marriage, right? A TV in the bedroom!?! I love watching the news in the morning while getting ready and it’s a nice spot for the kids to watch a show when I’m home alone and need a shower. They think it’s a huge treat to snuggle up in mom and dad’s bed and watch Mickey Mouse or Jake. We actually rarely have it on during the evenings. We are more of the read-in-bed before lights out kind of people. I digress.
Anyway, we purchased a fancy-schmancy HD-ready TV, but never upgraded our cable service. I knew my husband was itching for it, but what was the sense of upgrading the service? So the kids could see Mickey in HD? So I could watch Kathrine Nero every morning in HD? Nah. Plus we’d lose all of our DVR data (you can apparently save it somehow, but it wouldn’t connect for us). And I still had something like 32 Oprahs to watch! And an entire season of both Fringe and Glee.
Well, we just got a new TV for our family room. My mom’s TV died and it was the perfect excuse for Andy to give her ours and get us a new one. And then he upgraded the service to HD. (So Fringe Season 3 just made my Christmas Wish List on Amazon!) The hubby doesn’t ask for much and he agreed to handle the service call.
This leads me to the following recent conversations we’ve had over the past week and the point of this (now too long) blog post:
Andy (as though someone is dying): TRICIA! COME HERE!! HURRY!!
I abandon everything I’m doing and sprint to the family room.
Me: What’s wrong?!?!?! Who’s hurt?
Andy: Seriously, just check out that picture! Can’t you see the difference?
I’m sure he continued, but I now just hear BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH and smile.
But I’m just as bad…
Me: And so I get to make this hair bow for her actual Christmas photo cards. It’s the baby’s first Christmas and I get to help choose the ribbon! I’m thinking green and red, but then not sure about whether to add a saddle-stitch pattern or an actual striped ribbon. Or maybe polka dots? What do you think?
Andy: blank stare
He smiles, but I’m sure he’s heard BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH as soon as I said HAIR BOW.
Andy: And just check this out. I can be in the master bathroom with my phone and watching anything from our cable service. Isn’t that awesome? And you can watch stuff from the DVR on your iPad. Anywhere!
Again, I smile and hear BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH after that when he starts to get technical about the connectivity.
Me: And then when I was at Target (of course), I came across XYZ and it was on sale and I had a coupon and…
Again, he smiles and hears BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Oh the things that make us so joyful (electronics and HD for him, crafts and coupons for me), but which the other could really care less about. But we still communicate and are polite. However there are certain conversations between us that really do start, “Seriously, I need you to pay attention to this. I’m expecting a response. No fake nodding.”
And that just works for us.

This sounds just like my house!
don’t you want to be able to see your dvr’d shows on the road from your ipad? That is cool!!!! I’m just coming off of a kindle set up though which is really neat!