<Whatcha Might Not Know are Wednesday posts that are just that…something quick that you may or may not know about me, my family, my neighborhood, my city, my world, etc.>
So here in Cincinnati, we love our ice cream. And we have LOTS of local choices, regional choices, and even “regular” grocery store choices. The hubby LOVES ice cream. And although we ate it as a child, I would generally rather have a cookie or a brownie growing up. Until I got married. Then his love of ice cream slowly trickled over into my love of ice cream. When we first lived in Birmingham and were repainting the inside of our entire house and worked late each night…dinner was often a scoop or two of Bruster’s ice cream that was new to us (none in Cincy at the time, but ironically one opened near our current house right after we moved back) and way too close to our new house.
One of my current favorites? You get it at the gas station. Yep. It’s true. Fill up your tank and grab an ice cream cone. For some of you that aren’t local (but you may have had the Homemade brand ice cream by the same folks), it may cause you to go, “Huh?” And yes, I typically won’t eat gas station food. Am I just being snobby? No. After one horrifically bad stomach experience after eating at a Subway in a BP in Nashville we swore off gas station food for life…other than the packaged convenience store food/drinks during road trips. Because how do you survive road trips without a Code Red Mountain Dew and some Peanut M&Ms??
But after moving back to Cincinnati, into the UDF convenience store at the gas station I went. Happily. Giddily. And even the girls now scream “UDF!” when we pass one. Because many of them do actually have ice-cream-parlor-like seating which is a popular father-daughter weekend afternoon date at our house. But you are still inside a GAS STATION.
My favorites? All-year long? My #1 Go-To? Mini PB Cups & Fudge. Summer seasonal? Peach. Homemade brand? Black Raspberry Chip. But I also love some Graeter’s (almost too rich for Andy and HOLY COW LaRosa’s even delivers it now with your pizza), Dairy Queen, and a good Steak ‘n Shake milkshake. I just feel the brain freeze coming on already.
So every now and then we run to the gas station for a pint or two…a special treat. Monday night I went on a “run” after the kids were in bed (you didn’t expect me to share a pint, did you?). Then last night I went to toss my empty pint of PB Fudge yumminess into the garbage and noticed this:
Oh no, Marshall. Many thanks to YOU. Eaten with pride by Tricia. Every last spoonful. Now I’m off to exercise…to start on the peach.
What’s your favorite ice cream brand? Flavor?

I now have a craving. Thanks! Hubby is out and I can’t leave.
Funny you posted this today – I bought some for the kids today after work – cookies and cream. With reall oreos! The kids love it!
I had never noticed that on the bottom before! Guess I’ll have to go buy a pint to see for myself… 🙂
LOVE having ice cream AFTER putting kids to bed. It just tastes better that way!