(Today Andy is Embracing the Camera…just go with it, dear!)
Three blind mice…three Wise Men…three little pigs…three Musketeers…
You’ve all heard things that come in threes. Well, this week it is BABIES!! Lots of babies born this week in my world. First, a sweet baby boy over the weekend to a friend I haven’t seen in YEARS…sadly I still need to meet her two girls. Then a sweet baby girl was born to a new mom and past co-worker in the early hours of today. I am so excited to start reading her motherhood stories. Both of these new babies are far, far away, but I will definitely enjoy them through pictures, emails, blog posts, and FB statuses/photos.
AND…a very close friend is about to have her third baby as well today or tomorrow. I am extremely anxious about this little girl arriving because I can cuddle her up in my arms soon.
Knowing the full details of one of the birth stories and thinking about all three of them in labor this week has solidified the fact that I NEVER want to do it again. So apparently, things will come in threes in our house as well!
You have a very cute family! I love all the yellow shirts. 🙂
Beautiful children, Tricia. Random, but there’s something about kids in glasses that makes me smile. I know I shouldn’t because it means their eye sight needs a little help, but they look like tiny professors. I can’t help it.
I wish things came in threes in our house, but don’t tell my husband that. He’s a fan of the things that come in pairs. 🙂
Speaking of matching shirts…I just checked some pics and Andy isn’t wearing his “birthing” shirt for Henry. What happened???