Anyone else do a regular Girls Night Out? Some of you know (much better than others) that I am a planner by nature. I always seem to be planning something. One of these things happens to be my “local” Girls Night Out. I say “local” because on the invite list is basically neighbors and other women living within a close proximity. Lately we’ve been frequenting Dewey’s Pizza. And we’ve been having so much fun that the past two times we’ve shut the place down. On a Sunday night. Closing time is 10:00. Go us. Never really thought of Dewey’s as a place for a 4-hour dinner until now!
As much as I adore my husband and my children, I need time alone. Time away from them. But also time away from work. Because, yes, I get to go there and be alone during the week and speak to adults and drink my chai tea in peace and eat my entire lunch in one sitting, but it’s just not the same as GNO.
What I really love about it is the diversity of the group. About 20 women are on the invite list and it’s usually a different mixture of 5-6 that actually show up…some are college friends, some daycare friends and some neighbors and some that have just been brought along by one of the aforementioned and then get added to the list…most with kids the same ages dealing with the same issues. So it’s our time to share stories, ask advice and escape it all while enjoying a glass of wine (or 2), a great salad and some spectacular pizza.
(Sadly tonight over half of us also hit the grocery store afterwards before going home. Because we are still moms after all. And people will expect milk on their cereal in the morning. So that chai tea will be much needed for me in the morning.)

How does one get on that “list”?