Laundry Room Remodel

Home Remodeling

In mid-2019 we decided it was time to update our laundry room which is also our kitchen pantry. One of the previous owners had installed built-in shelves, but they were starting to sag and had no adjustability. The shelves were stationary and couldn’t move up or down. Some of them were super deep and things often got “lost” behind other things (oh, hi there recently expired pantry items). The shelves were old and needed to go before they literally started falling apart. Our washer and dryer were 18 years old and acting up. We were getting our first puppy by the end of the year. It was time for a change…a full layout change.

Nick and Keith from Revolution Remodeling had already done a fantastic job on our upstairs bathrooms. So we had a new discussion about the laundry room and quickly got on their calendar. Just like the bathroom projects, this project went extremely well. I’d highly recommend Revolution Remodeling. Again and again.

The Before

The before included the fixed shelving, tiny/limited spots for the kids’ backpacks and shoes, a washer and dryer right next to the door, a utility sink, and wasted space in general.

The Plan

The biggest priority was to move the washer and dryer to the far back wall of the laundry room and to replace the utility sink with a dog shower. We didn’t completely lose a utility sink…we had them install one in our basement instead. Having the laundry room located directly over a crawl space definitely helped with the ability to move all of the appliances/plumbing around easier.

Another “pretty, pretty, PRETTY PLEASE can I have?” was a new system for the three kids as they continued to grow and phase in and out of seasons/sports/activities, etc. We talked a lot about A LOT of options. Lockers, more built-ins, stationary hooks, cabinets, etc. Finally, Nick said, “Do you trust me? I want to try something new.” And that’s what I like about Nick – the way he thinks outside of the box. So we ended up with a slat wall. Yep, inside the house.

And…we needed a new pantry system. I wanted something more functional than basic shelves.

So they tore everything out, Keith moved all of the plumbing, we all shopped for tile (what Star Wars fan can’t buy the one called Millennium Steel?), Nick convinced me to pick a crazy paint color to add some pizzazz, and we watched it all transform.

Main Features of the New Laundry Room

  • The Slat Wall – WOW. WOW. WOW. I had doubts. Then I was completely sold. Then we had issues. Then I cried. Then it was all ok. Then another part of the order was just missing. And some of the shelves didn’t work where I wanted them because of the ceiling. So I cried some more. And then…IT ALL CAME TOGETHER. Nick dealt with the company way more than he should have needed to, but got it all corrected and I received more free accessories due to the ordeal. And it’s truly the BEST system ever after using it almost 2 years.
  • The Slat Wall Functionality – This cannot be skipped. It must be highlighted. The ability to constantly be able to move things around is…AMAZING. I will say that the shelves up near the ceiling have remained in place and hold cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, drying rods, etc. However, all of the hooks and bins, etc. have moved around as the kids have grown taller and as seasons and sports have changed. It’s been awesome.
  • The Closet System aka Our Pantry Area – This was another “trust me” from Nick. Kitchen pantry systems can be limiting and $$$$$. So we looked at closet systems instead. And found something perfect. It is a combination of adjustable shelves and wire basket drawers. I remember Nick saying “Do you really want one of the basket drawers to be THAT BIG?” I replied, “Do you ever buy the GINORMOUS bags of chips from Costco? Where are you supposed to put them?” Nick, “Truth. I’ll allow it.”
  • The Shower – YES! It is perfect. The end.
  • Kids’ Space – Each kid has their own designated space. The space includes a floating drawer/shelf for current needs. In the winter, the drawer usually has hats/gloves/etc. During sports that’s where the kids keep their uniforms so they can never get lost in their rooms. The shelf is nice for lunch boxes during the school year. And they have hooks. Lots of hooks. Heavy-duty, made-for-the-garage hooks. Basic shoe racks fit perfectly underneath on the floor.

The Shower

For real, it’s perfect. It deserved a section on its own. Whether we need to rinse off dirty feet from the backyard or dusty baseball fields…or if we need to bathe the dog…the shower is PERFECT. And when we started the project we told Nick our “someday” family-dog-to-be would be about 40 lbs. Then a puppy opportunity happened upon us during the project and I was soon asking Nick, “So…can that shower fit a 75 lb dog?” Oops.

The After

We’ve been using the laundry room for close to 2 years. I am very happy with it. It just might be the best room in the house as far as functionality.

The Reality

The reality is that kids are kids and laundry is laundry. Therefore, the full reality is that there are still shoes thrown about, backpacks not always in place, laundry is often hanging everywhere to dry, etc. BUT, with our new laundry room/pantry system about 90% of things are in their place at all times. And that’s way better than before!

The Details

  • Nick Rakel, Revolution Remodeling & Design – find him on the web, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Floor: Floor & Decor Millennium Steel Porcelain Tile
  • Slat Wall: ProSlat Slatwall and Accessories (garage and retail accessories)
  • Paint: Sherwin Williams Dewberry
  • Closet Unit: J & N Distribution and Design
  • Washer & Dryer: Whirlpool Cabrio
  • Shower Glass: Alluring Glass

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One Response to Laundry Room Remodel

  1. I remember when you posted about your laundry room 2 years ago. Mister is the one mainly in the LR but I think something of this caliber is a necessity for ours too. At least I’ll use yours for inspo!

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