I’ve Become an Online Shopper


It really is rare that I take the time to go out to a store and shop for myself by myself. If I’m running to the outlets, I almost always have a kid in tow and we are headed straight to Stride Rite and back home. I cannot tell you the last time I was in a shopping mall other to return an item I ordered in the mail. Stroll around and browse? HA! What’s that?

Lately, I browse catalogs. While sitting at basketball. While sitting at piano lessons. While sitting at swim lessons. While sitting in the school drop-off line. Blah. Blah. Blah. And I somehow am now on every catalog list. I get new ones weekly. A few have sucked me in. I am an online shopper.

Four weeks ago I wanted to go look for a new spring dress. Events are coming up. A spring wedding to attend. Easter. Stella’s First Communion. I wanted to add a bit of color to my wardrobe. So I decided to go shopping. Two weeks ago, I still had not made it anywhere that sells dresses so I searched the stack of catalogs. Then I sat down to my computer. And ordered 12 dresses – 6 actual styles each in two different sizes. And I waited. Last week they arrived and I tried them on in the comfort of my own bedroom. My fashion consultant watched closely. And I also got a back-up opinion from a girlfriend who was available via text. These two dresses won. Now I have 10 to return to the store.


I do this a lot now. I order an insane amount of clothes online and then return 90% of them. I wouldn’t get any shopping accomplished otherwise. This is definitely not for everyone. You have to be good at keeping track of returns.

Do you order a lot online?

6 Responses to I’ve Become an Online Shopper

  1. I am not a huge online clothes shopper for myself with the exception of items from Athleta (the good sale stuff in my size is always sold out in stores, it seems). I have been tempted by Stitch Fix, but I think I prefer looking in stores … if I can ever get in them by myself and with more than a few minutes to browse.

    However, I am a big fan of the “buy a bunch and return” method, which I learned from my mom. I used to drag my kids to stores so they could try on shoes, pants, dresses, etc. Now, I go on my own, buy a bunch of possibilities (conveniently eliminating patterns, colors that I don’t like) and have them try on at home. My daughter is very good about saying NO to items she does not like. Taking the stuff back can be annoying, but having miserable kids along for a shopping trip is MORE annoying, not to mention more expensive when you factor in Aunt Annie’s and the stupid trinkets I end up buying in appeasement for the “misery” they are enduring.

    • Yes, yes, YES! I completely agree. Made the mistake of going to the mall with husband and kids this week to get the girls some clothes. Should have just went alone for exact reasons you mentioned!! And Athleta never seems to have anything in the store that I want. I only ever go in the store now to return something! (One reason I went to the mall with the family.)
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  2. I think online shopping has changed everything! And with so many places doing free returns, it is great. So many times I want to see if my new piece of clothing will “play well” with everything else I have, and you have to be at home for that!
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