phil&teds Stroller – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

We love our stroller.  In fact, other than the Snap ‘n Go for the infant car seat, we only own ONE stroller.  A phil&teds.  For us it was a really smart buy since we knew we were planning on having multiple kids back-to-back.  It was an expensive purchase, but we justified it by only having one stroller and not having to buy any furniture for the nursery when we were first expecting due to a hand-me-down crib.

And it has definitely been worth every penny.  We use it A LOT.  I can even jog with it through the neighborhood.  People are always shocked to see a second kid in the “back seat” of the stroller.  And the kids fight over who gets to sit there.  Here are some pictures of us using it all the time, everywhere…so nice that it’s all-terrain.  Henry even got his first rides in it over the weekend:

4 Responses to phil&teds Stroller – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

  1. Woo hoo! So glad you love it as much as we love ours!

    I’m having a REALLY hard time facing the fact that we are selling ours this Spring. It means my kids are grown up, and it’s really the last “baby” sign in our house.

    Phil & Ted’s rocks, and our kids also always wanted to be in the back seat!

  2. There is nothing that can compare to the joy of having to spend time with your children whether at home, at the park or even at the mall. What makes your bonding time more enjoyable.

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