I Spent Yesterday with George and Ryan

So I was at the Cintas Center yesterday for a Leadership Program for work…my department facilitates it.
George was there for his movie…working on a scene that was basically of Ryan Gosling in a director’s chair all day (his stand-in wore jeans, not the full suit).  George was just in jeans, black long-sleeve and white sneakers.
So I basically spent the day peeking through our conference room curtains out the windows to the court below – catching glimpses of George and Ryan.
So I did spend yesterday with them…just feet away…separated by glass.  I had my crap  point and shoot camera with me in my purse and was only able to catch these two blurry photos as my proof.
Do you see George?  He’s in the cluster of people on the right…he’s in the foreground of the group…look for the jeans and white sneakers…two down from the chair…it’s him!

The Cintas Center

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