I remember moving back to Cincinnati in 2006 and living with good friends while Andy stayed in Alabama finishing his job and selling our very first house. I was staying in Mason. And my friend received some sort of Mason Magazine. In that fall issue was an article about a newer organization in town – Girls on the Run. Do you like being around young girls? Do you like to be fit and healthy? Do you like to inspire others to be joyful and confident? Do you like to run? Yes. Yes. Yes. Kinda.
I quickly signed up to be an Assistant Coach at a Mason location. I had a blast. Once I had Stella I transitioned from a coach to a board member. I promised the director at the time that I would indeed return to coaching when my daughter was old enough for the program. GOTR was still very young in the area and to see it grow so quickly was exciting and the group of people making it happen was fantastic to be around.
We were still involved in the 5K and just took the kids with us when we volunteered. Andy led the race on his bike when he could.
Then Stella grew to become more and more of a person and less and less of a baby. I could visualize her being a Girl on the Run someday.
We started participating IN the race. How could time fly that fast?
And she finally did the 5K with me a couple of years ago without a stroller and without a lot of walking. She had a blast. And kept asking…”When can I be a REAL girl on the run?”
TODAY. A decade after reading that magazine, I’ve come full circle. I am a coach. She is an official Girls on the Run participant. Our first practice was overwhelming. I truly wanted to cry happiness the entire time. She says she loved every minute. There are going to be lots of feelings this season. For both of us. And I’m going to need LOTS of tissues for the 5K in May. Having a team of my own this spring is going to melt my heart even more on race day. I cannot imagine the emotions that will be happening.
So many thanks to so many people who are a part of Girls on the Run, support Girls on the Run, have helped me stay connected and involved. For all of you, I am forever grateful. I have many energy awards for you.
Want to learn more? Google GOTR Cincinnati, make donations, follow your local GOTR on social media. Support the cause. It’s awesome. You won’t regret it.
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