Tasty Tuesday?

Now that the Pig 10K is ACCOMPLISHED, what shall I call Tuesday?  I still want that health/food/recipe focus…  So, Tasty Tuesday?  From the Table Tuesday?  On the Table Tuesday?  Nah.  That gave me the giggles.  Tuesday Treats?  Nothing’s shouting out at me quite yet so stay tuned.

Anyway, I believe you can change your eating habits if you really want to.  I didn’t say it would be easy.  Most of you know my history with Weight Watchers.  Andy and I started the program back in 2002, followed it diligently, started exercising, held strong, and then had kids and life got crazy.  I restarted the new program a couple of months ago with great success.  I’m happy to report that I’m back into almost all of my old clothes…hence the closet clean-out last week. 

I’m also reporting that I will be canceling my WW membership when my 3-month deal ends later in May.  Yep.  Canceling.  Not because I don’t like the program.  In fact, I’m a huge fan.  I’m just not using the tools anymore.  I’ve pretty much got down how many points things are again and I’ve gotten into new habits.  I’ve recharged my battery and am set in my new food routine. 

The top 3 things I’ve changed successfully:

  1. Liquids.  I cut out the Starbucks and the pops (cokes, sodas, whatever you call them).  I have had some, but not nearly like before.  I really think twice about the calories and caffeine before consuming.  I’ve upped my water a TON.  When I think I’m hungry, I chug some water first.  And I never leave the house without my water bottle FULL.
  2. Snacking.  I have basically cut out or severely reduced the starches and high carbs.  Bye-bye chips, graham crackers (and peanut butter), granola bars, cottage cheese, etc.  Instead I reach for plain old fruits and veggies.  The Green B.E.A.N. Delivery has helped keep those in supply – this week’s delivery shown below.
  3. I’ve significantly cut my eating after dinner.  I finish dinner with 2 dark chocolate Hershey kisses and go upstairs and brush my teeth.  This has helped the urge to snack after the kids are in bed. 

And you?  I know some of you are on the eat better, lose weight, exercise more path as well.  How’s it going??  What’s been easy to change?  What’s the hardest thing?  And…what do you want to hear about on Tuesdays?

3 Responses to Tasty Tuesday?

  1. Congrats on the 10K! That’s a fantastic accomplishment. I’m getting ready to recommit to some kind of healthy eating plan. I’ve done Weight Watchers before, but I think I’m going to try something new this time. Like you say, it’s a matter of recharging and reestablishing good habits.

  2. I don’t blame you for cutting down on the Jiff peanut butter, it’s full of sugar! You should try the Sun butter – it’s pretty healthy (made from sunflower seeds) and tastes like peanut butter!

  3. if it helps……try to drink 24oz of water on your commute to work (depends on your drive and your bladder of course) but that will head off much of the morning munchies in the office AND ensures that you have at least a third of your water for the day already consumed! Also – the PURE crystal light waters are not bad AND naturally sweetened. yippeE!

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