Blog Challenge Day 14: A picture you love
If you haven’t clicked over to The Anderson Crew for Embrace the Camera…do so. Today. Check out Emily’s post about the importance of getting in the photos in order to capture great memories. So for today’s blog challenge…a picture you love…I’m learning more and more to love being in the photo instead of only behind the camera. Here are some photos from this morning…pictures of HEALTHY kids. YAY!
I say HEALTHY kids, because we’ve had a round of sickness this week. Started on Monday morning when we discovered Henry had a fever as I was putting him into his car seat to head for daycare. I know that as a mom you wear many hats and feel many emotions – sometimes all within a 5-minute time period. Here were mine between 7:05-7:10 Monday morning:
Working Mom: Seriously, again? This does not help my Outlook task list one bit.
Mom as Nurse: Poor baby…teething? Cold? Strep?? Ear ache??
Housekeeper Mom: Well, I guess I can get some laundry done while I’m home.
Working/Irrational Mom: How high is the fever exactly? Can I dose him and see how long he lasts so I can get some work done at the office??
Responsible/Rational Mom: What are you thinking?? No, I cannot dose him and send him to daycare. Wouldn’t it piss you off if other parents did that? And the poor boy doesn’t feel good and needs his mommy!
Irrational Mom: But he’s smiling? And seems happy? Just HOT. Let’s take that temp again.
Guilty Mom: How did I even let the thought of dosing him cross my mind? And then consider it? What kind of mom am I??
Mom as Daughter: I need my mom! Hmmm…Maybe grandma can help today…
Blogger Mom: Without my lunch hour, when will I blog? Or catch up reading other blogs?
Selfish Mom: Now I’m going to have to work on my day off Friday.
Tired Mom: It was a long and busy weekend – especially Sunday. I’d love to sit at my desk this morning and not play nurse.
Casual Mom: Why couldn’t this happen BEFORE I showered, put on makeup and my work clothes?
Mom as Cook: Well, I guess I’ll get dinner in the oven early. Maybe the “witching hour” won’t be so bad if I have the meal done early.
Envious Mom: SAHMs don’t have the “missing work” guilt like we working moms do. (You have other issues…I know, don’t slam me for that one.)
Glass-Half-Empty Mom: Who’s next…Stella or Charlotte?? (Winner was Charlotte Tuesday afternoon.)
Entrepenuer Mom: Maybe I should open a “Sick-Kid” daycare for these minor illnesses. Seriously, fevers are a pain-in-the-ass. Especially when my kids act normal, play, eat, etc. while having a 102 fever. Parents would LOVE me. Or maybe daycares should have “sick” rooms!
Guilty Mom: Shouldn’t sick kids be home with their mommies?? Again, what kind of mom am I??
So here’s how it worked out…
Loving Mom: Sends girls off to daycare with daddy…cuddles with Henry for awhile.
Working Mom: Then sends Henry to grandma’s for 4 hours to keep meeting with the Executives.
Concerned Mom: Henry’s fever spiked to 104.5 later that afternoon (from 101) and so we headed to the doctor to receive a double ear infection diagnosis.
Exhausted Mom: Emotionally exhausted from trying to do work-arounds all day. Physically exhausted from being up during the night, going to work, going to peds., going to store, getting all kids home and fed behind schedule, etc.
Thankful Mom: Glad to have my mom and Andy there to fill-in and help when possible. How do single parents or people without family nearby do this?? I can’t comprehend.
Motherhood ROCKS. Right? I know I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!
(Side Note – Andy has spent plenty of time at home with sick kids. He does his fair share in our 50/50 parenting since we both work. Today just didn’t work for him at all. So I stepped up and luckily worked my meetings around the ability to use my mom for a few hours. Today we didn’t have to rock-paper-scissors who was going to have to cancel meetings.)
I could easily have all of these thoughts in 10 minutes too. Great post.
it’s every mom’s thought process at one time or another. you just blogged it 😉
Precious pictures. I have these thoughts too!
Pretty sure I have had the same convo with myself…..=)
But you forgot one that has worked for me (luckily since Rob works at the same place) – stay home with sick kid, bring sick kid to work, hand off to dad at work for an hour, do presentation, have sick come back at the end of meeting, and take home!
This is awesome and soooo true! Love it.
Hi! I’m Rachel, by the way! Visiting from the UBP (a little late… so many blogs!). Hope you’ll come visit me at http://www.upperbottom.com and @upperbottom (Twitter).
Cheers and happy spring!
So, so true! Sorry it’s been another sick week.
This happens, btw, with the older kids too, when it comes to school time and they say they don’t feel well. Then you get to add in The Skeptical Mom who thinks: “Are you really not feeling well, or are you just trying to pull a fast one on me to stay home? You’re not registering a fever… You’re fine, so stop whining. Wait, I often feel like crud when I have a cold, but most times I don’t register a fever either. OK, I believe you… Sorry for being skeptical, sweetie. I’ll take care of you. Why was I so concerned with ‘getting things done’ when you need my love and cuddles?”
At least that’s how my inner dialog goes some days. We *are* each many moms in the space of a few minutes. 🙂
great post!! now following you from the friday blog hop!!
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