Laundry Room Remodel

Home Remodeling In mid-2019 we decided it was time to update our laundry room which is also our kitchen pantry. One of the previous owners had installed built-in shelves, but they were starting to sag and had no adjustability. The shelves were stationary and couldn’t move up or down. Some of them were super deep

Disney Cruisin’ – The Reveal

Disney Cruisin’ – The Reveal

Many of you already saw on Instagram or Facebook that we spent last week on a Disney Cruise. As a TOTAL surprise to the kids. That morning they had no idea we were getting on an airplane. I captured the surprise…it’s not the best video, but it’s still worth viewing. I think Stella was just

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

I have a dreaded feeling that this year’s Halloween is going to be as bad or even worse than last year’s. And that’s a major bummer. My Instagram picture from last year is above. Charlotte’s face says it best. We got caught in a downpour and gave up on the trick-or-treating for pumpkin pie and

Gabriel Brothers Annual Toy Sale

Gabriel Brothers Annual Toy Sale

If you are familiar at all with Gabriel Brothers and their annual toy sale, then all I have to say are two words to make you happy…IT’S HERE! If you are not familiar, you should make yourself familiar if you would like to save some money on toys for the holidays. The annual toy sale

Ice Bucket Challenge Halloween Costume

Ice Bucket Challenge Halloween Costume

I have to admit that I did not come up with this idea all on my own. We were at another Halloween event and I saw a little girl dressed similarly as this costume. As soon as I saw it, I knew that it should be easy to create. And it has a time limit so

Packing for a Disney Cruise

Packing for a Disney Cruise

So…this is going to happen! And SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids have NO idea. If you know them and see them, HUSH! We are still not sure when we will tell them…on the way to the airport, at the airport, when we land…we just have not decided. They’ll obviously know we are going somewhere when we head

The Tale of the Overpriced Costume

The Tale of the Overpriced Costume

Our usual way of deciding on Halloween Costumes? I point to the dress-up bin and say PICK ONE! Not this year… It should be no surprise that my girls wanted to be Anna and Elsa for Halloween this year. They declared it during last winter. But I thought it would go away. It didn’t. Stella has

Cucinova – What’ll You Create Today?

Cucinova – What’ll You Create Today?

A couple of weeks ago, I got to preview the new Cucinova in Kenwood during a media event for bloggers and others. It was a fun night out and the food was delicious. So delicious that I wanted it AGAIN! This past weekend Andy and Charlotte were on their own date so Henry, Stella and

Costco Toddler Elastic Waist Jeans

Costco Toddler Elastic Waist Jeans

My kids tend to live in sweat pants, leggings, and jeggings. I wanted them each to have at least one pair of jeans that fit them correctly. Last week at Costco I found these cute jeans for Charlotte. And then I noticed…ELASTIC WAIST!! Henry had a pair of jeans at home, but had the hardest time

Pumpkin Ring Toss – Harvest Party Game

Pumpkin Ring Toss – Harvest Party Game

A lot of schools stick to Harvest Parties in the fall with themes of apples and pumpkins instead of ghosts and gobblins. Last year I helped plan Stella’s classroom party. It was a lot of fun. The coordinators had to come up with two crafts and two games. (One of our crafts was the Pumpkin Patch