Category Archives: Stella

More Stuff Stella Said

More Stuff Stella Said

She’s back…and funnier than ever. (Ok, I’m biased.) On Friday I put a dress on for work.  You would have thought the girls only see me in sweats.  I guess slacks and a top are just too boring for them.  Here’s what Stella had to say.  I took notes in the bathroom to make sure

Stuff Stella Said

Stuff Stella Said

Stella just spent a few days with her cousins in Kentucky.  Andy’s sister told me about this conversation: Aunt: Stella, are you ready to go home? Stella: Not really.  But I guess my mom probably needs me. Aunt: Why? Stella: I help her with Charlotte and Henry.  They are a handful. Cousin: And how do

Showing Us His Business

Showing Us His Business

Above is a photo of Stella before her first piano recital a few weeks ago.  She was extremely nervous, but nailed it. So tonight on the way into the neighborhood I noticed a house was getting a new driveway and I really noticed a man without a shirt smoking a cigarette in the back of

Excited to Go To Work

Excited to Go To Work

Stella was excited this morning.  Today was her “at-home” day.  Meaning, the rest of the kids went to daycare and Stella got to pal around with me all day.  I still had to go to the office for 2 hours, but she’s well behaved and entertains everyone. We also got to spend some quality alone time.  She

The End…Fur Real

The End…Fur Real

For any of you who have been following the Fur Real saga HERE and HERE you have learned one thing about me…I’m a sucker.  BUT, I was also made an extremely good decision by not ordering that damn dog on Amazon to save $15-20.  Because on Saturday morning we went straight to Walmart, returned it,

An Interview With Stella

An Interview With Stella

  A couple of days ago I promised an interview with Stella, currently 4.5 years old. This post was inspired by June and Bear. What are you good at doing? I’m good at writing rhyming words (see above, this is a new past-time) What do you like about yourself? You know (with a smirk), watching

My Own Sunday Funny

My Own Sunday Funny

Each week my BFF has a Sunday Funny.  Well, I’ve got my own this week.  Since Andy and I are going on a trip soon that will involve lots of hiking and we are also hitting Gatlinburg this fall, I thought I might want some new shoes.  Confession…I wasn’t as concerned about getting actual “hiking”

The Simple Things: Thank You Cards & Salsa

The Simple Things: Thank You Cards & Salsa

So my Stella is a such a sweet soul.  She is in that phase where she loves to draw pictures and color pictures for others.  She particularly likes one of Andy’s co-workers and often talks about her at home.  She’s always coloring something for this woman.  Well, Andy took the latest Barbie coloring page into

He Knows If You’ve Been Bad or Good

He Knows If You’ve Been Bad or Good

Recognize them? How about now: Image Source Can you even imagine being 4-years old and having a nice family lunch one summer afternoon and into the restaurant walks…Santa Claus?  Followed by Mrs. Claus?  I can only tell you that my Stella’s eyes got wide and she got close to me.  Then Santa’s eye caught mine (and

The Simple Things: Sisters

The Simple Things: Sisters

Sometimes I think I am absolutely crazy for having the girls only 20 months apart.  But then I watch them interact and just LOVE on each other (even if it’s only a few minutes each day) and am so thankful that they are close in age. They had a good time together last week in