This past weekend we went to Andy’s parents’ house to celebrate Stella’s upcoming 4th birthday. We even managed to get a photo with all of us in our party hats: If you can’t tell, her cake was a pink soccer ball! I’m embracing the camera…

This past weekend we went to Andy’s parents’ house to celebrate Stella’s upcoming 4th birthday. We even managed to get a photo with all of us in our party hats: If you can’t tell, her cake was a pink soccer ball! I’m embracing the camera…
Happy Father’s Day weekend! This year I must say, I put a really cute gift together for Andy from the kids. Yesterday’s blog post was about the gift from me…BEER. Well, thanks to both Pinterest and the June & Bear blog, I put together the gift from the kiddos...a framed photo and a book to
Through June & Bear, I came across Paper Mama’s Photo Challenge. The current challenge is the best shot you’ve taken of your child/children/pet. I thought about this for a minute and selected the above photo. It may not be the absolute best photography…but it captured everything I had hoped. Our love of the beach. Their
On Friday Stella (right) started soccer with some kids in the neighborhood. Charlotte is not quite sure why she can’t play. Doesn’t understand not being old enough. She was sad at first but then loved cheering for her “sissy”. Here’s Charlotte’s proud moment afterwards… Getting her picture taken with the “soccer star”.
Blog Challenge Day 21: Picture of Yourself
This definitely sums up our week…
We’ve all been suffering sinus yuck at our house this week and I’m posting this late, and then backdating! I’m linking up with Emily again for Embrace the Camera. It really has me focusing more on getting in the picture instead of always behind the camera. And if you need some new music to add to
Although a bit windy (ok, so it was almost Dorothy-heading-to-Oz-windy)…I couldn’t help but spend most of the day outside yesterday. The kids played on the patio while Andy & I did some spring cleaning of our flower beds. I hope you have a great Sunday, enjoy the pictures:
This week has been a slow-go AGAIN. We said goodbye to Charlotte’s paci now that she’s a big 2-year old and the evenings/nights haven’t been so great which makes the 4:30 wake-up call a snooze button festival! Sorry dear. (I am married to a man that NEVER uses snooze.) And my stress-fracture site (these kind
We had a wonderful weekend at home and it finally warmed up enough to go out and play in our fresh snow. Charlotte lasted 5 minutes, but Stella would have stayed out in it for days. Snow Angel: Yummy hot chocolate afterwards: All while my sweet boy took an afternoon nap: But finally woke