It’s been a busy week at our house starting last weekend. Here are some photos I posted on Instagram (love it!), Facebook and Twitter. So, these are basically for my mom. Have a great weekend!

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Holiday cards can be a tricky thing. There are so many choices to make… Photo or not? Which pictures to use? What card company to utilize to create that photo card? Should you include a letter or personal note? Handwrite or print labels? Even the stamps have to be selected…Mary & Jesus? Ornaments? Our photo card has
Over the summer my dad turned 60. So the question was…where do we go? See, he’s a total kid at heart. For his 50th? We went to Disney. Me, Andy & him. Pre-kids. So I expected a return trip with the grandkids. But all he wanted was to go the mountains in the fall. I
This afternoon we took the girls to Xavier’s Musketeer Madness. They had so much fun. Stella finally got her XU pom-poms (they were sold out most of last season) and Charlotte fell in love with the Blue Blob mascot and talked daddy into getting her the plush toy. The Blue Blob is actually on her t-shirt,
The perfect way to end a perfect long weekend. Hand in hand at the pumpkin farm. Daddy snuck out of the office at noon. The pumpkin farm was empty of people. Piles of pumpkins. Sunflower trail. Corn maze. Slides. Goats. Silly photos. And great ones like these. Hope your weekend and Monday were spectacular!
It’s hard to believe it’s already been one month since our Sedona trip. If you’ve never been, it’s amazing. In a couples-only lots of hiking breath-taking views relaxing spa service read in peace delish food artsy-fartsy too much wine sleeping in don’t bring small kids no routine to follow kind of way.
So I know y’all are expecting a great post about my baby boy turning ONE today. Um, not ready for that yet. But here’s a sneak peek photo of him absolutely LOVING the cake we had tonight. Things are just so different for us with baby #3 turning one. So low-key. I even had to
There are so many things in life that you just don’t get until you experience it yourself. Let’s see…living on your own, getting engaged, planning a wedding, traveling to a foreign country, living in the south, being pregnant, giving birth, having kids, having a child only want to wear one dress-up outfit…all.the.time. My Stella was
This girl keeps us on our toes with her 2-year-old mood swings. And she definitely lives out her middle child status. But then she smiles and giggles and melts your heart.
Do you ever find yourself wondering just how on earth did the time go by so fast?