Category Archives: holiday happenings

Holiday Follies – Saturday’s Shout-Out

Holiday Follies – Saturday’s Shout-Out

Today Andy and I took Stella to see the Children’s Theatre Holiday Follies at the Taft.  It was really good.  Having not been before, we were unsure how Charlotte would do.  And at $20/person, we didn’t want to take the risk since a 30-minute cartoon won’t hold her interest more than the opening song.  But

Holiday Book Countdown to Christmas

Holiday Book Countdown to Christmas

A lot of families have recently had a guest move into their home since Thanksgiving has come and gone…the Elf on the Shelf.  Well, bah-humbug at our house.  We do not succumb to the Elf because I do not need more to do this month!  Very cute idea, but (in my opinion) a lot of work for the

Holiday Happenings – Downtown Dazzle

Holiday Happenings – Downtown Dazzle

A couple of years ago we discovered a newer holiday attraction in Cincinnati, Macy’s Downtown Dazzle.  It occurs downtown (duh) every Saturday night in December up until Christmas weekend.  It was so great we returned last year and brought friends with us.  The main attraction is the 6:30 event.  Santa rappels off of a building.  For

Holiday Happenings – Snow White

Holiday Happenings – Snow White

Ok, so this isn’t really a holiday-themed event.  However, Snow White is playing locally at the Ensemble Theater downtown on Vine starting this Wednesday through December.  So it’s during the holiday season.  It would be a great gift!  And is perfect for all ages. I had never been to the Ensemble Theater.  It was quaint. 

Holiday Happenings – Sharon Woods

Holiday Happenings – Sharon Woods

Over the next couple of weeks I plan to post a few of our favorite things to do during the holiday season locally.  Keep in mind we are focused on things to do with our kids who are now 1, 2.5 and 4.  First up…Sharon Woods Holiday in Lights.     For those of you