Category Archives: health

10K Tuesday – T-shirts, Tattoos & Tutus

This week has been a slow-go AGAIN.  We said goodbye to Charlotte’s paci now that she’s a big 2-year old and the evenings/nights haven’t been so great which makes the 4:30 wake-up call a snooze button festival!  Sorry dear.  (I am married to a man that NEVER uses snooze.)  And my stress-fracture site (these kind

10K Tuesday – Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

This past week has NOT been a good 10K training week.  Instead of 5 days on and 2 rest days, it was reversed…5 days off the treadmill and only 2 days on.  And those days were not great.  A friend reminded me that training schedules never include sick days, sick kid days, busy work days, trips,

10K Tuesday – Future Cyclist?

So, what do you think…future cyclist or dancer? I’m slowly building up my miles.  I’m still at a 12-minute pace, but up to 2 miles this week.  I also got to spend another hour on the treadmill over the weekend.  I caught up on The Good Wife, The Bachelor and Big Love.  I also watched a

10K Tuesday

10K Tuesday

This past week was tough for getting on the treadmill.  Andy was in California for 4 days (including the weekend) for work and time was precious.  I really had to convince myself to workout.  I have to say, if I wasn’t registered for a 10K, I would have skipped it.  So here are my weekly

10K Tuesday

I’ve actually done pretty well over the past week.  I’m slowly working myself into the new running routine.  Random observations from the past week’s workouts: Managed to run a 12-minute mile this week!  Yay!  Baby steps… The 4:30 alarm going off…not so “YAY!”  Glad I only had to do that one morning this past week.

I’m a SoleMate!

I’m a SoleMate!

From now until April 30th, Tuesday’s post will be named “Training Tuesday” and will follow my experiences training for a 10K…while still working, while still taking care of three children, while still getting chores accomplished at home, while still getting bills paid, while still finding time to blog, etc.  How on earth will I fit

Weighing on My Mind

This is a VERY touchy topic with many women…but, here’s my story. Let’s go back to January 2002 when Andy and I lived in Nashville. I was 25 years old and about to do what I never thought I would have to do…I was about to outgrow my size 10 pants and have to go,