Category Archives: health

Whatcha Might Not Know…Sweet Tooth

Whatcha Might Not Know…Sweet Tooth

      If you don’t know this about me, where have you been? But the sugar (and caffeine soda) is now sucking the life out of me. I’m crashing day after day. After the yumminess of the brownies, cookies, cakes, pies & Cherry Cokes.   So, today’s a start of a new month and

Top 10 Reasons We Still Love Green Bean Delivery

Top 10 Reasons We Still Love Green Bean Delivery

We are still getting our produce delivered weekly from the Green Bean Delivery service.  We started this last March and after almost a year of “trying it out”…I’m hooked!  And here is why: 1. It comes straight to my door once a week. 2. Although there are recommendations, I get to customize my order every week. 3. My kids

Tasty Tuesday?

Now that the Pig 10K is ACCOMPLISHED, what shall I call Tuesday?  I still want that health/food/recipe focus…  So, Tasty Tuesday?  From the Table Tuesday?  On the Table Tuesday?  Nah.  That gave me the giggles.  Tuesday Treats?  Nothing’s shouting out at me quite yet so stay tuned. Anyway, I believe you can change your eating

10K Tuesday – Final Week

10K Tuesday – Final Week

It’s hard to believe that the 10K is this Saturday.  Thanks again for everyone’s support and donations.  I’ve raised $690 so far!!  That is awesome and will be a great help to our local Girls on the Run organization.  Andy and I are also looking forward to volunteering at the upcoming GOTR 5K on May

10K Tuesday – Green B.E.A.N. Delivery

Blog Challenge Day 12: What do you believe? I started to write a long philosophical post about believing in everything happening for a reason (which drives Andy bananas) or something about questioning what I believe in as far as being Catholic, blah blah blah and then remembered IT’S 10K TUESDAY!  So this is much easier

10K Tuesday – TIRED

Yep, writing this at 12:52 AM.  Just finished 4 hours of work on the kitchen computer…and, unfortunately, it was “real office work” work.  Yuck.  So, getting up in 3 1/2 hours to hit the treadmill…not seeing it in my future.  The past couple of weeks have just been ROUGH at our house.  I think one

10K Tuesday – Crafting for a Cause

So…there was no 10K training this past week.  I experienced a sinus migraine for the first time ever last Monday evening.  And it never truly went away until Saturday.  And I had early morning meetings this past week.  And it rained.  And then the temperature dropped 30 degrees.  And then Henry got sick and didn’t

10K Tuesday – Neighborhood Walks

I posted this picture a few days ago when I shared with ya’ll how much I love my stroller.  It’s been so nice to take my exercise routine outdoors lately and get out of the dungeon-like basement and off of the treadmill.  It’s also nice to catch up with neighbors that I haven’t seen since

10K Tuesday – Motivation Is Up!

The 10K training is back in full swing.  I managed to get on the treadmill most mornings at 4:30 AM…yep, still crazy!  But the best thing about this past week is the fact that I took my workout OUTDOORS two days in a row over the weekend.  Although blustery, I bundled up on Saturday, loaded both

10K Tuesday – Weight Watchers

So I’ve basically started my 10K training all over again.  That’s the downfall of winter, sickness, kids, a busy life, (insert more excuses here), etc.  But I’m pushing forward and I’m back on the treadmill.  Like I stated before, I WILL complete the 10K…even if I have to walk it.  Completing this as a SoleMate

10K Tuesday – Sesame Street Triathlon

10K training hit a low this past week.  No one felt good at the beginning of the week (we all have coughs and colds and lack of sleep going on at our house), I was trying to get the house prepared for the in-laws for the weekend, I was trying to get myself prepared for the