Bengals Hair Accessories

I recently got to make some more school spirit hair accessories! These were for the Three Rivers School District Yellow Jackets. Now, all the mom asked for was a headband. BUT, I had the cutest bumblebee ribbon and couldn’t resist adding a bow and pony streamer for her girls. Yes, bumblebees are NOT yellow
Locals know that Mason colors are green and white. However, this year there is a tie-dyed girl’s spirit shirt that has hot pink in it as well. So a sweet girl wanted a matching headband and hair bow for school spirit days. And her nice momma trusted me to get it
I haven’t completed very many hair bows lately.However, I did come across some super cute cowgirl boot ribbon awhile ago. And I just “found” it again tonight. A little late for Stella’s birthday. But she’ll be surprised in the morning with this bow: And last month a neighbor needed something patriotic. I finished this, but
Recently I was asked to help a friend with her daughter’s first birthday. She had an adorable “first birthday” onesie that had Minnie Mouse ears on it with a big red bow. She asked me to make a matching red with white polka dot bow for her daughter’s hair. Well, I did that…and took it a
Reds Opening Day here in Cincinnati is like none other. It’s officially a holiday. Seriously. Read more HERE. Most people either have Reds parties at work or just take the entire day off to celebrate. There’s a HUGE parade and festivities downtown. In fact there are already multiple posts of adorable kids all decked-out in
Yesterday I was all set to re-visit my Target adventure or really lack-there-of since it’d been exactly 2 months since I stepped inside of one. But the day job got crazy and I worked through lunch and even a bit after bedtime (my two main blogging times). So that will have to wait. Need to
Oh Pinterest, how I still love thee…and I love the little clippies I just finished. I got this idea from this Pinterest pin. Anyone else made anything fun for Valentine’s Day?
Yes, I’m still up to my eyeballs in ribbon. Still crafting whenever I can. After the fall craft show I didn’t touch it for a few weeks. But then I got some special requests here and there. A customized order to match a dress. A hair bow holder needed for a purple bedroom. And I
My most recent order included some of these cute bows. One was a gift for an OSU fan. Another one for a Green Bay fan. The larger purple one was customized to match a dress for a family photo. And the rest were just random “girl” colors. All were fun to make!
Cleaning out photos on the camera tonight. Here are some bows I’ve made recently…most as gifts. And some new colors for the ribbon hair bow holders. And if your pork chops seem BLAH, be sure to check out what I had for dinner tonight: Mushroom Sauce for Pork Chops or Pork Tenderloin