Author Archives: Tricia

We Sent Hugs in the Mail

We Sent Hugs in the Mail

Over the weekend, the kids made hugs. We traced and cut out each of their hands. They decorated the hands. I measured the ribbon to the length of their arms. Put them together to create a hug. Hugs went into the mail for the grandparents that are far away. A Valentine’s Day surprise. Now they

An Interview With Stella

An Interview With Stella

  A couple of days ago I promised an interview with Stella, currently 4.5 years old. This post was inspired by June and Bear. What are you good at doing? I’m good at writing rhyming words (see above, this is a new past-time) What do you like about yourself? You know (with a smirk), watching

Whatcha Might Not Know…Sweet Tooth

Whatcha Might Not Know…Sweet Tooth

      If you don’t know this about me, where have you been? But the sugar (and caffeine soda) is now sucking the life out of me. I’m crashing day after day. After the yumminess of the brownies, cookies, cakes, pies & Cherry Cokes.   So, today’s a start of a new month and

Top 10 Reasons We Still Love Green Bean Delivery

Top 10 Reasons We Still Love Green Bean Delivery

We are still getting our produce delivered weekly from the Green Bean Delivery service.  We started this last March and after almost a year of “trying it out”…I’m hooked!  And here is why: 1. It comes straight to my door once a week. 2. Although there are recommendations, I get to customize my order every week. 3. My kids

#1 Reason to be on Twitter Monday Nights…Bachelor Tweets

#1 Reason to be on Twitter Monday Nights…Bachelor Tweets

I have watched the Bachelor in the past, but I am a non-loyal fan.  I’ve watched a few seasons, but not all of them.  I generally watch it on the DVR the next morning on the treadmill.  And let’s just say the treadmill has been used more for collecting dust lately then for exercise.  Hence,

Fighting the Nature-Deficit Disorder

Fighting the Nature-Deficit Disorder

Did you know that there is apparently something called Nature-Deficit Disorder?  Seriously, it’s right HERE on wikipedia defined as the trend that kids are spending less time outside.  I even received a free book on it once at a parenting conference, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.  I haven’t read

I Weep for Our Future Due to Helicopter Parents

I Weep for Our Future Due to Helicopter Parents

  I TOTALLY understand that this just might be me in the future.  But I am writing this now so that I can come back to it and realize how someday I’ll just need to LET GO as a mother and let my kids take some responsibility of their own when they become legal adults. 

Feeddler…My New Favorite Thing

Feeddler…My New Favorite Thing

  In the middle of last year I wrote a post about followers.  And the many ways that people follow blogs…via Facebook pages, Twitter, Google Reader, email updates, etc.  And I was using all of those in order to follow the blogs I personally follow.  Plus I had a list of them in my blog

Dear Target {love letter #2}

Dear Target {love letter #2}

Dear Target, Well, it’s been awhile.  And I’m holding strong.  Coming up on 3 weeks, but who’s counting?  Me.  I am.  I’ve actually posted the date of my first Target-free day on a white board in my cubicle at work.  As a visual reminder that I can do this.  I can break up with you. 

Friday Funnies

Friday Funnies

A few funnies for you today…including the pictures above.  Yes, she is ALWAYS dressed like that at home.  And yes, Henry is always looking at me like “You are not going to save me?  You’re just going to take a photo?  HELP!” Charlotte last night: I’ve got the hick-bugs. Followed by lots of hiccuping and

Valentine’s Decor Part 2: The Foyer Bathroom

Valentine’s Decor Part 2: The Foyer Bathroom

A couple of days ago I shared with you the Valentine’s decor I added to our family room hutch HERE.  And I warned you of more decor involving a toilet.  Well, only because you can see the foyer bathroom toilet in the photos.  I like to add a little decor in there depending on the