Author Archives: Tricia

Embrace the Camera: Charlotte’s Birthday Treats

Embrace the Camera: Charlotte’s Birthday Treats

Yesterday was such a busy day with all of Charlotte’s birthday activities, but as I mentioned we did have some time in the afternoon to bake together.  Without Stella.  Which was definitely unique!  Andy snapped a photo of the two of us in the kitchen so today I am linking up with Embrace the Camera. 

Whatcha Might Not Know…Birthdays

Whatcha Might Not Know…Birthdays

When it is one of our kid’s birthdays, Andy and I take the day off to spend with just that kid…the other two still go to daycare (after sleeping in).  We find it’s a nice way to have some two-on-one time with the birthday child and then we celebrate together as a family for dinner,

Top 10 Favorite Valentine’s Day FB Posts This Year

Top 10 Favorite Valentine’s Day FB Posts This Year

Here they are, my favorite Facebook Status updates from today copied word for word (one hubby name removed for privacy) and one winner (just means you were the ultimate favorite).  If you wrote one of these, thanks for the inspiration!  The pictures were also posted on FB…I have no idea of the source other than

The Simple Things: Snow Angels

The Simple Things: Snow Angels

As far as snow is concerned, we really are lacking it this winter in the Cincinnati area.  The girls are oh. so. sad.  We got a dusting overnight on Friday and they wanted to go out in it Saturday morning.  You can still see the grass through it in the pictures.  It wouldn’t stay together

My Favorite Apps for the Kids – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

My Favorite Apps for the Kids – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

From iTunes My kids actually aren’t on the iPad very often, but I have found a few apps that we really like and some of them are free or very cheap.  Here are our favorites (click on the names to take you to more about them): Shape Puzzle – Let’s the kids do numerous puzzles. 

Completely Random About Dead Fish and 31 Parties…

Completely Random About Dead Fish and 31 Parties…

Random thoughts today from a tired momma.  Yes, I should be in bed.  But I just got home and needed some wind-down time first. 1. At church school on Sunday one of Stella’s friends shared with her that her fish had died.  My Stella is very sensitive and caring and so we thought it would be

Bedtime Battles

Bedtime Battles

Valentine’s Day is next week…so, a poem for you:   Roses are Red Violets are Blue Charlotte fights bedtime Do you battle this too?     I’ve been doing even more and more research on “bedtime battles” and “bedtime tantrums”.  Talking to experts, reading materials, etc.  The suggestions are not brain surgeon type of materials/advice. 

25 Things

25 Things

Today I’m linking up with Shaunna for her perfectlyimperfect 25 things… …thanks to these posts from the BFF and June and Bear. 1. It’s been a long 24 hours. 2. Little guy has (yet again) another ear infection. 3. Tubes are scheduled for later this month. 4.  But that didn’t help me from 10:30-4:30 last

When Dinner Fails

When Dinner Fails

Source: via Tricia on Pinterest   This post is to prove that shit happens bad dinners happen and Pinterest does sometimes disappoint me.   What a failure. I was oh so excited to make this recipe yesterday.  I had planned it for a week.  I waited until yesterday because it was my day off and I

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday

So I’m not a huge NFL fan.  (Um, I live in the Cincinnati area and the Bengals are just…disappointing.) So I really only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.  This year we were invited to a Super Bowl party and it was a lot of fun.  I pulled out a recipe I hadn’t made in a