Author Archives: Tricia

Ikea – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Ikea – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

So, I started to tell y’all about the laundry room yesterday.  And the biggest thing was removing the table and creating space for this: We had some pretty awful storms near and around us last night.  The only good thing that came out of them was the fact that Andy’s office closed at 3:30 to make

Laundry Room Re-Do Part 1

Laundry Room Re-Do Part 1

 My house doesn’t have a pantry, but I’m blessed with an awesome laundry room.  When you come into the house from the garage you enter a small mudroom.  From there you can either go right into our kitchen or left into our laundry room.  I absolutely LOVE having the laundry on the first floor.

Whatcha Might Not Know…7×7 Blog Award

Whatcha Might Not Know…7×7 Blog Award

   Yes, this is one of those.  And it’s my turn to participate in the fun.  Blogging is such an interesting community.  We have our own language with words like blog carnivals, meme, and linky.  The are “friendships” I made that are definitely real, but unusual.  I love how Sarah writes about going to meet

Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

So it’s Oscar week.  And I’m still regretting staying up as late as I did to watch them.  But I LOVE movies.  And I had seen “The Help”, “The Descendants” and “Moneyball”.  So I wanted to stay up and see who won what.  During that time I posted about Colin Firth on FB.  And someone

St. Patrick’s Day Thumbprint Clover

St. Patrick’s Day Thumbprint Clover

Last week I shared a few St. Patrick’s Day ideas including this craft.  It was super easy and the kids enjoyed tolerated it.  I just used some paint, not a stamp pad.  I couldn’t stand the thought of not knowing whose thumbprints were whose years from now.  So I wrote a tiny “S”, “C”, or

Bathtub Dress Ups – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Bathtub Dress Ups – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

A couple of years ago the girls received a bathtub Barbie Dress Up toy. They get to play with it probably once a week. (Not every bath)   And it will usually keep them happy  until their fingers are completely shriveled. Best. toy. ever. The Barbie is actually in two pieces… Lots of outfits to

Let’s Get This Straight…

Let’s Get This Straight…

Just a few things to get straight this Friday afternoon… First, this smoothie I pinned…not so good.  The green monster was somewhat green ick.  Four cups of spinach was just way.too.much for our household.  Charlotte said yuck from the beginning.  Stella tried to like it, but didn’t last past 4 sips.  Henry refused it from the

Annual Day-You-Get-Dirty Day

Annual Day-You-Get-Dirty Day

Last year’s Ashes – no picture today!   Yesterday a co-worker and I were talking about Lent.  She stated something like “Oh, right, tomorrow’s the day you get dirty.”  Um, what?  Oh, ashes.  Yep.  Is that toner on your forehead, ma’am?  Nope.  It’s ashes. Ashes?  Yep.  (Conversation really happened when I lived in Alabama…not a

My Favorite Day of the Year…They’re HERE!

My Favorite Day of the Year…They’re HERE!

I am a complete sucker for the Trefoils (shortbread) Girl Scout Cookies.  So when I got the call yesterday that my cookie order was in…and then realized it wasn’t Lent yet…OMG!  I scheduled an immediate pick-up.  And yes, when Andy and I sat down to watch the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas and Free Printables

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas and Free Printables

Last month I showed you my Valentine’s Day Decorations which included lots of free printables.  Click HERE to take a look back if you missed it.  I took all of the hearts and reds and pinks, etc. down over the weekend along with the snowman and winter scenes.  Just doesn’t look like we are going

Very Pinteresting

Very Pinteresting

  This is a great infographic about Pinterest from Mashable.  Click HERE to see it larger.  Pinterest is definitely a quick success and I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard of it or have an account yourself.  But with success comes many other things…critics, confusion, etc.  Some are still not sure what exactly it is,