Author Archives: Tricia

Because I’m a Chicken, I Ordered the Chicken Tacos

So many of you know me as such an extrovert and also very comfortable with myself. And I am…usually. But not always when I’m in a situation when I’m by myself…like when I’m traveling alone. So here’s the thing. I hate eating alone in restaurants. HATE. I feel like everyone around me looks at me

Whatcha Might Not Know…Dispensing Meds

Whatcha Might Not Know…Dispensing Meds

Andy and I have a parenting rule about medicine. If a kid is on a medicine only one parent can dispense it (unless other parent is gone for the evening, etc.). We usually elect a primary dispenser. That way there isn’t any double-dosing, etc. I saw this chart idea probably on Pinterest. Not all bottles

St. Patrick’s Decor: From Love Hutch to Lucky Hutch

St. Patrick’s Decor: From Love Hutch to Lucky Hutch

  In January, I decorated the family room hutch in a LOVE theme:     Well, Valentine’s Day came and went and it was time to rethink the area for St. Patrick’s Day.  So I found some more printables online.  The one on the top shelf reads “We might just be the luckiest people alive”

Laundry Room Finale

Laundry Room Finale

If you’ve been around a week or two…you know it was time to clean out my laundry room.  To catch up, Part 1 of the process was HERE and my post on the IKEA shelves was HERE.  We finally finished up some things around the weekend and here are the last of the before/after shots:

An Appetizer Lunch

An Appetizer Lunch

Yesterday morning the girls and I attended a Princess Birthday Brunch at the “castle” of one of Charlotte’s classmates.  The brunch was from 10-12 and included an egg casserole, an oatmeal bake and some mini pigs-in-a-blanket.  Followed by a huge cupcake with loads of yummy frosting.  Were the girls hungry for lunch when we got

Paint by the Glass – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Paint by the Glass – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Thursday night I went to Paint by the Glass with two of my grad school girlfriends.  It was a lot of fun.  Most nights there is a specific picture everyone is working on at the same time.  Our night it was “Heels and Pearls”.  So basically the picture of the heels and pearls was already

Today Don’t Read Me, Read Amber

Today Don’t Read Me, Read Amber

The picture above is of me in the summer of 2001. I was about 25-30 lbs. heavier than I am today. The next sentence is NOT to get comments like “you look great now!”, etc. When I look in the mirror…I still see that body above with about another 5-10 lbs. added on to it. 

St. Patrick’s Day Clover Clippie

St. Patrick’s Day Clover Clippie

Yesterday I was all set to re-visit my Target adventure or really lack-there-of since it’d been exactly 2 months since I stepped inside of one.  But the day job got crazy and I worked through lunch and even a bit after bedtime (my two main blogging times).  So that will have to wait.  Need to

Just Cool It

Just Cool It

There are so many things going on right now that it’s hard to juggle it all.  Almost like the crazy and devestating storms that were nearby on Friday sent my world a bit out of kilter.  I’ll just ask for comforting thoughts for a friend and healing thoughts for a relative.  And lots of prayers for