Author Archives: Tricia

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Easter was unusual for us…we had no plans.  Our weekend travels got canceled due to the hand-foot-mouth debacle.  Lucky for us it was a beautiful weekend and we completed most of the yard work we usually don’t accomplish until May.  Bushes trimmed?  Check.  Flower beds cleaned out?  Check.  Entire yard mulched (62 bags later)? Check. 

Spray Water Bottles – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Spray Water Bottles – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

These will most likely be the most beloved item in the girls’ Easter baskets.  Spray water bottles.  Seriously.  I’ll never forget when I was on the phone with my BFF one day and she stated that her kids had been outside entertaining themselves for HOURS.  Say what?  “Invest in some spray water bottles!” she exclaimed.  Forget

The Bunny Lost

The Bunny Lost

It’s been one of those weeks.  We are still living with hand-foot-mouth.  Henry came down with it Sunday and still has blisters on his hands today.  So it’s been a long week of bouncing him back and forth between Andy and me.  Restless nights, rearranging schedules, taking conference calls from home and trying to keep

Opening Day – Go Reds!

Opening Day – Go Reds!

Reds Opening Day here in Cincinnati is like none other.  It’s officially a holiday.  Seriously.  Read more HERE.  Most people either have Reds parties at work or just take the entire day off to celebrate.  There’s a HUGE parade and festivities downtown.  In fact there are already multiple posts of adorable kids all decked-out in

The End…Fur Real

The End…Fur Real

For any of you who have been following the Fur Real saga HERE and HERE you have learned one thing about me…I’m a sucker.  BUT, I was also made an extremely good decision by not ordering that damn dog on Amazon to save $15-20.  Because on Saturday morning we went straight to Walmart, returned it,

Sick Baby, A Quilt and Egging the Neighbors

Sick Baby, A Quilt and Egging the Neighbors

A few weeks back I saw this cute idea on eighteen25.  Egging someone.  In a nice, Easter-egg type of way.  And they even provided you a really nice free printable.  Got to love those gals at eighteen25.  So I can take no credit for this, head over there! So, of course I had to egg

The Naked Face Project

The Naked Face Project

  As I mentioned previously, I’ve been following Molly and Caitlin with their Naked Face Project for the last 60 days.  The last day is tomorrow.  And although they’ve asked people to join in for one day…I am looking forward to a Saturday night out with friends and getting able to put on some nice(r)

Traveling With Toddlers…Again

As I’ve mentioned previously, traveling with toddlers is tricky. Especially when you are alone with them in the airport and on the plane. Especially when you have a thousand things to carry and your toddler (you know which one) has no patience, multiple tantrums, runs away, etc. I always feel the biggest sigh of relief

And Just Like That, I Owed Her a Puppy

This afternoon we went to the pool at my dad’s complex. Charlotte was sporting her beloved puddle jumper and Stella tried out some new water wings. They are both extremely different in the water…Charlotte is a fish and Stella screams in horror when the first water droplet hits her face. We’ve battled this with Stella

My Love of Wine

Just opened some inter-office mail from a friend. A friend who knows me well. She had included this. The coaster says it all…I totally agree! Made my day…thanks friend! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Put Me in Yet Another Mommy Category

Mommies I’ve Been or Currently Am Include: Prenatal Yoga and Water Aerobics Mommy-to-beNon-medicated, Doula-using, Natural-birthing MommyBreast-feeding MommyWorking MommyCrazy 3-kids-in-3-years MommyHand-me-down-lovin’ MommyMinivan-driving MommySoccer MommySwim-lessons-count-as-bath-night MommyMy-kid-is-a-biter MommyNo Church Nursery = No Mass for MommyMy-kid-just-said-DAMN IT MommyWine Drinking Mommy (lots and red, please) And the list goes on and on… But I just added myself to another “great