Author Archives: Tricia

New Home Office Part 2

New Home Office Part 2

Last week I started talking about our “formal living room” space and how we want to change it from a place we rarely use to a highly functional home office.  I showed some ideas I had, but no pictures of the actual space.  Well, today I have “before” photos.  I wanted to be sure to

Yellow Box Sandals – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Yellow Box Sandals – This Saturday’s Shout-Out

Some of you may remember back to last May when I received a pair of Yellow Box Sandals unexpectedly in the mail from my girlfriend down south.  They were pink and sparkly and I LOVED them.  She swore they were the perfect sandal and ever-so-comfortable. Well, I am back to say that she was on to

Excited to Go To Work

Excited to Go To Work

Stella was excited this morning.  Today was her “at-home” day.  Meaning, the rest of the kids went to daycare and Stella got to pal around with me all day.  I still had to go to the office for 2 hours, but she’s well behaved and entertains everyone. We also got to spend some quality alone time.  She

Charlotte Guest Post Interview

Charlotte Guest Post Interview

What are you good at doing? Jumping   What do you like about yourself? My name What makes you happy? Being nice What’s your favorite book? A princess book What’s your favorite TV show? Princess and the Frog What’s your favorite movie? Snow White What’s your favorite food? Chocolate donuts What’s your favorite toy? A

Pinning for a New Home Office

Pinning for a New Home Office

There is a room in our house that is completely under-utilized.  Our front formal living room.  Although it does have a couch and chair, it’s also currently a catch-all space for a bookcase, a wine cabinet,  the kids’ Strider bikes, a keyboard and at during the holidays…the Christmas tree.  And it has old, yucky carpet. 

Minnie Mouse Clippie Tutorial

Minnie Mouse Clippie Tutorial

Recently I was asked to help a friend with her daughter’s first birthday.  She had an adorable “first birthday” onesie that had Minnie Mouse ears on it with a big red bow.  She asked me to make a matching red with white polka dot bow for her daughter’s hair.  Well, I did that…and took it a

Recipe for the Dinner that No One Ate

Recipe for the Dinner that No One Ate

The above photo has NOTHING to do with the pork roast.  She is just hilarious.  I think that’s why we are able to deal with her loud personality and overbearing attitude. Yesterday, I happened to mention a crock pot pork roast that Andy and I loved.  It was a new recipe for us and you

When Everyone Hates Dinner

When Everyone Hates Dinner

There are some evenings when Andy is trying to wind down and read for a few minutes before going to bed.  Often we’ve barely had an actual conversation since arriving home.  You know, we talk in phrases like “what needs to be done?” and “please wash so-and-so’s hands” and “the kids need drinks for dinner”

Embrace the Camera – Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Embrace the Camera – Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Although it’s only been a couple of weeks, it seems like forever ago that we were in Florida.  We did spend one morning at the beach.  The girls loved it as usual.  We played in the sand, collected shells, and Stella and Andy even took on the waves.  Charlotte and I barely put our toes

Trader Joe’s Eggplant Cutlets Solves the Dinner FUNK

Trader Joe’s Eggplant Cutlets Solves the Dinner FUNK

  So we’ve been in a dinner funk lately.  Same old, same old.  So same old, that I keep forgetting to update my weekly menu on the blog.  Because it’s basically pretty repetitive. But a friend of mine keeps telling me to go to Trader Joe’s.  She even left me a (requested) voicemail with a

Charlotte Update

Charlotte Update

This child is still a fireball…and still stubborn. But she’s definitely calmed down a teeny, tiny bit. Bedtime isn’t quite the battle it once was. Her favorite things to ask: “Mom, you happy at me?” “Mom, I in trouble?” “Mom, I start over please?” So at least she’s recognizing some of her behavior!