Author Archives: Tricia

Friday Facebook Finds

Friday Facebook Finds

                                                                From: Failbook Just a couple of random thoughts today to start your weekend.  Things I found posted on Facebook this week. A friend posted a good article on Facebook this week.  It’s Lydia Netzer’s 15 Ways to Stay Married for 15 Years.  You can read it HERE.  I particularly like #6 Do your own

What’s A Mom To Do?

What’s A Mom To Do?

If your husband was out of town all week and it was now Thursday evening and… you are tired, your kids are tired and cranky, you got stopped by the teacher because you-know-who had to spend time in the director’s office due to behavior today, you were invited to the neighborhood Girls Night Out tonight

Finding the Funny: Swim Lessons Continued

Finding the Funny: Swim Lessons Continued

Due to the overwhelming response from yesterday’s post about Swim Lessons, I’m linking up to Anna and Kelley’s weekly finding the funny.  Anna’s blog, My Life and Kids, is one I read in batches.  Because I like it so much I want to really read it and comment, etc.  But that means I’m usually about 3 weeks

Swim Lessons: The Commando Night

Swim Lessons: The Commando Night

Summer 2011 One of my favorite old posts is still the one about the swim locker room pack ‘n play.  It’s really put motherhood into perspective for me…basically, just survive in the moment.  Back then I thought I was crazy for taking the two kids to swim lessons alone.  I almost took THREE of them alone

Handy Andy

Handy Andy

Lucky for me, Andy is pretty handy.  Now-a-days when we decide to do a house project, the question really isn’t Can he do it?, but rather Is it worth his time?  So for this recent project we decided he would paint the room and even go ahead and rip out the carpet and get it

Sometimes…Something’s Gotta Give

Sometimes…Something’s Gotta Give

Yes, I’m still here.  Sometimes there are weeks when something has got to give…and this week it was the blog.  Henry had another virus.  {sigh} Possibly hand-foot-mouth again, but no blisters ever showed up.  However, the fever remained Wednesday through Friday.  And daddy was slammed at work so mommy had to stay home.  So here I sit,

New Home Office Part 3

New Home Office Part 3

If you are following along with the home office update…we are moving forward!   If you are just now catching up, here’s: Part One Part Two   This weekend we went back out looking at floors and found another one we really liked and are hoping to get an on site quote of our two

Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas

Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas

Wednesday night we had Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas.  It requires a little bit of prep, but most of it you can do ahead of time – the night or morning before the meal.  Click HERE for the updated recipe. Speaking of eating, it’s been a bittersweet week at our house.  Little man gave up the

Eggplant Follow-Up

Eggplant Follow-Up

Earlier this month I mentioned my trip to Trader Joe’s and my discovery of their Eggplant Cutlets in THIS POST.  I am back to say that we ate some more of the box last night…and still yummy! However, last night I didn’t have time to bake it in the oven.  It was a last-minute decision

Dear Kroger

Dear Kroger

  FYI – Non-locals, Kroger is our “main stream” grocery chain…like a Publix, Piggly Wiggly, Albertson’s, or whatever is in your area, etc. Dear Kroger, Seriously?  I mean, SERIOUSLY?  I don’t know if you are trying to get back at me for shopping at two of your stores instead of being a loyal customer to

An Interview with Charlotte

An Interview with Charlotte

Seriously, this child is even difficult to photograph.  After 15 head-shots this morning, here was the best one:   She asked me to take ONE more and at least she’s smiling: Today I’m over at June and Bear as part of her interview series. You may remember that I interviewed Stella back in February. Click HERE