Author Archives: Tricia

Someday I’ll Miss This…

Someday I’ll Miss This…

Someday the kids will grow up and move out along with their shoes and I’ll miss this (or so I’m told).  But for now?  I’m tripping over all the different pairs constantly in our mudroom.  Somehow they seem to multiply. Luckily, the new office area is actually going to help solve this problem by rearranging a few

Green B.E.A.N. Delivery Update

Green B.E.A.N. Delivery Update

For those that have asked…yes!  We are still using the Green B.E.A.N. delivery service each week.  The picture above is what was in our bin this week.  I am still very happy with the service and the options available to us.  I really like the flexibility of being able to skip a week here and

Yucky Bananas Now Make Me Happy

Do you hate it when you don’t eat all of the bananas before they get soft and mushy? Do you also like smoothies, but when the bananas are going bad you don’t have other smoothie ingredients? Or you just don’t want a smoothie right then? Well, freeze the banana! I have learned that the best

Our New Coloring Place

All of the furniture finally arrived for the new office space. Here’s a tiny glimpse at the kids’ favorite part of it. Now I’ve just got to get a few more items in place and some things on the wall. Then? The big reveal. – Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Produce Stand

Produce Stand

If you need something to put your fruits and veggies on in the kitchen…I highly recommend this plate stand that is currently at Target.  Yes, Target.  I promise a full update on my return to Target after the 6-month break-up very soon.

The "Door" to the Kiddie Pool

When I was growing up we always had a kiddie pool at my grandparents’ house during the summer. I think it had Smurfs on it. My grandmother would keep it up for days. And she was very particular about us not getting grass in it. Therefore, our pool had a “door”…we were only allowed to

Showing Us His Business

Showing Us His Business

Above is a photo of Stella before her first piano recital a few weeks ago.  She was extremely nervous, but nailed it. So tonight on the way into the neighborhood I noticed a house was getting a new driveway and I really noticed a man without a shirt smoking a cigarette in the back of

How Much Water Do You Drink?

I am normally pretty healthy and tend to be able to eat more sweets than I should without adding on too many extra pounds. One thing I attribute this to is all of the water I drink each day. Well, it should probably say “while at work”, because I always have more trouble remembering to

What Do You Spend on Wedding Gifts?

Wedding season is upon us. Today I’m in an all-day work conference and saw this snapshot in the USA Today. Holy hell I’m cheap. Readers who are friends and family…and if I attended your wedding…and bought you a gift… Wow! I really do consider you a close friend or family member even if I didn’t

Furniture Has Arrived!

Furniture Has Arrived!

I think the last update on the new office was when the hardwood floors were about to be installed and the house had an echo.  Well, the floors are in and they are beautiful!  And I finally ordered some furniture.  I was giddy when I got home from work yesterday and saw the boxes from Ballard