Author Archives: Tricia

Henry’s Baby Clothes Quilt

Henry’s Baby Clothes Quilt

    Once we decided not to have a fourth baby, I still couldn’t part with some of the infant clothes.  But I really didn’t want to hold onto plastic tubs of old clothes either.  Just stashing them away in the basement forever.  I wasn’t really hoping my grandkids would wear any of it someday, I

Egg White Muffins

Egg White Muffins

This really isn’t that complicated.  Almost too simple.  If you are on Pinterest, I’m sure you’ve seen hundreds of variations of these.  Well, I finally gave it a try.  And it was a success!   All you need is a muffin pan, eggs or egg whites, and “fillings”.  I went ahead and used a container

Women Bloggers I LOVE

Women Bloggers I LOVE

  As a woman and mommy and blogger, I took the PLEDGE to be nice online.  Why?  Um, you shouldn’t have to ask.  Mainly because it’s the right thing to do and women just need to be nicer to one another…online, in person, at work, at play groups, etc.  And this is a great online

Zak Morgan’s Newest Groupie

Zak Morgan’s Newest Groupie

  Stella has been fortunate to have Zak Morgan as her school’s Artist in Residence for a few weeks.  And I was even lucky enough to have my volunteer day in January be the same day she had a session with Zak Morgan.  His program was “designed to encourage our kids to unleash their imaginations”.  The

Play-Doh…Love It or Hate It?

I have a love/hate relationship with Play-Doh.  It definitely makes a mess.  And, to me, it’s a commitment to get it out.  But I love it because it will keep my kids happy for HOURS.  Here are my Play-Doh guidelines/reminders: I only get it out every 6-8 weeks.  I think this keeps the “excitement” of

Going to a Ball…Then and Now

Going to a Ball…Then and Now

  Some of you saw the photo above on either Instagram or Facebook over the weekend.  And your comments were very, very kind.  Andy and I attended the Heart Ball downtown on Saturday night.  As the night unfolded it made me think of the many, MANY differences there were in preparing for and enjoying a ball way-back-when

Target Tuesdays

Target Tuesdays

Ok, the pictures today are crappy, but you’ll get the idea.  Every Tuesday I pick up the kids at noon and we have an hour before dropping off Stella for kindergarten.  No sense in going home when Target is right nearby.  So, Tuesdays are now declared….Target Tuesdays! Today we found some great Valentine’s deals.  My

The Timeline of Charlotte’s Birth

Due Date: 2/25/09Birthing History: First Child Stella was born one week early and after a “short” labor of about 10 hours.2/13/09 – I prayed all week not to birth my second child on Friday, February 13th.  I’m not normally suspicious, but it just didn’t feel right.2/14/09 – When those prayers were successful, I switched to

Happy Valentine’s Day! And the Winner Is…

Happy Valentine’s Day! And the Winner Is…

  The real winner today is Charlotte.For winning another battle at home. She wanted to be in the camera spotlight, but alone.   Although I tried and tried to get a picture of the three kids this morning, Charlotte wanted no part of it.So I lost that battle.   And due to all of their

Who Is Voxing??

So, the biggest bummer about being on the iPhone is that I lost my ability to voicemail back and forth with one of my best friends.  Yes, she and I should just call each other, but that’s another story.  So my fingers are cramping from texting her so much!  Ha.But on Sunday I was at another

10 Things I LOVE About Being Home

10 Things I LOVE About Being Home

      Although the house is a disaster 99.9% of the time now, I have to admit, I love my new job.  So far.  Even in the dead of winter.  I’ve had a LOT of observations about being on this side and there are a few things I miss about working outside of the