Author Archives: Tricia

Spring…the Return of Smoothies

Spring…the Return of Smoothies

  There’s something about spring and warmer weather (ok, we’ve at least had a few days above 65) that makes my kids want smoothies more.    If you’ve been reading for awhile then you know I’ve tried to do the Green Monster spinach thing in the past…and failed.   And I LOVE gross, yucky bananas

Kids First Fit First – Get Off the Couch and GO!

Kids First Fit First – Get Off the Couch and GO!

  Many locals have heard of Kids First.  Heck, many of us have already spent thousands there in swim lessons, gymnastics, basketball, dance, etc. for our kids.  They run some of the best programs and camps in the city.But did you know that now YOU can get fit there as well?  Even if your kid



  Question:   20 (more or less) =   Answer:   A. Extra minutes of peace and quiet and snuggles with Charlotte in the morning since Stella and Henry are in a new routine of sleeping until 7:00 AM   B. Quick minutes we had to play at the park before dropping Stella off at



Question: 20 = Answer:A. Tantrums Henry threw between wake-up time (8:45) and end of his breakfast (9:30).B. Times my kids yelled “mom” every minute today.C. Loads of laundry I’ve done the past few days.D. Seconds my kids were screaming at each other out of every few minutes this morning. E. Kindergartners I volunteered with today.F. Moments I apparently

Fava Beans

Fava Beans

  Tonight we tried fava beans.  I most likely would not have searched these out.  They were a suggested item this week for our Green B.E.A.N. delivery and I went with it.   Luckily , the girls were extremely excited to be helpers in the kitchen while Henry napped.  Because what I didn’t realize when

Chicken Parmesan

Chicken Parmesan

  This is another so delicious recipe I got from my great neighbor Mod Housewife!  You should definitely follow her for yummy recipes, interior design help, fashion trends, etc.  Here is my version of her Chicken Parmesan recipe.   Ingredients: 4 Chicken Breasts 3/4 Cup Olive Oil Salt Pepper 2 Cups Bread Crumbs with Italian Seasoning 1/2

Stuff Charlotte Said

Stuff Charlotte Said

Charlotte: When I grow up, I wanted to be a ballerina, but now I know I can’t. Me: What???  Why not? Me Thinking…Who told her she couldn’t do something??? What the heck??? Charlotte: Because I toot and burp. Me: Huh? Charlotte: I toot and burp.  And ballerinas don’t do that.  And I will. Andy: You

When the Planned Dinner Doesn’t Happen

When the Planned Dinner Doesn’t Happen

I still want your kid snack ideas!!  So if you missed that post, go back, read it and COMMENT here or on Facebook.  I’m waiting…   Meanwhile…people are commenting or asking more and more about my weekly dinner planning.  If you haven’t noticed, I post “What’s Cooking?” over there on the right and it lists

Kids Snacks

Kids Snacks

  My kids love to have a snack break when playing outside.  At our house we are pretty routine about food.  Daycare got us into this habit and now it works to our favor.  One morning snack around 10:00 before lunch and one afternoon snack around 3:00/4:00 before dinner.  Otherwise, the kitchen is CLOSED.   I

Why We Love CET plus a Clifford App Giveaway

Why We Love CET plus a Clifford App Giveaway

  Did you know that Clifford turned 50 this year?  Yep, the big 5-0! Here in Cincinnati, our local PBS station, CET, gave Clifford a big birthday party back in February. And, of course, we attended the FREE event.   Over 200 of Clifford’s closest friends came to celebrate at the station. Even Mr. Red.

Movie Theater Popcorn Sharing Tip

Movie Theater Popcorn Sharing Tip

  Best idea ever.  Everyone wants popcorn at the movies, right?  And everyone wants their hands in the bag at the same exact time.  When a SMALL popcorn is going for $6.00 now…I definitely don’t want to buy multiple bags.  And I don’t want any fighting during the movie for the popcorn.  Everyone should be quietly